
Self Deprecating Humor In Research

Decent Essays

Now when I think of the question “Does self deprecating humor help individuals cope with the feeling of depression, I still am unsure of the answer. After the research I have conducted and the fieldwork I did I have only been pointed in a direction. What I have taken away from my research and field work is that there is a more than likely possibility that self deprecating humor is an affective coping mechanism. After reading about various studies where the use of humor made a positive impact on those who were suffering from mental health conditions, I became firmer in my own beliefs about self deprecation. However, from my own personal experiences throughout the year, I've become more aware of my own mental health as well as my friends and families. What I mean by this is I’ve payed attention to comments that they have made regarding mental health. For example when my friends are feeling down they will make jokes about how depressed they are. When …show more content…

I was very pleased with the results of my viewing party and how the attendees responded to my questions. In fact I would have loved to do another event similar to it. Unfortunately due to time restraints I wasn't able to. If I were able to do this I would like to add more scientific element to the experiment. To start off I would like to have two groups, a control, and an experimental. Both group of people would be individuals that feel they are depressed. In this experiment, I would have the experimental group watch The Office and the control group watch some sort of bland documentary. After the group's watch their assigned material after a certain amount of time I would ask them questions about their mental health. I would ask if they felt that the material they watched helped them relive their symptoms of depression. I would also like to interview a mental health professional on the subject and find out what they think about the

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