
Self Efficacy Of Students And Its Effect On Academic Achievement

Satisfactory Essays

Assessment Of Faculty Staff Support and Sense of Self Efficacy of Students and Its Effect on Their Academic Achievement. Protocol Submitted For Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Master Degree in Nursing Services Administration
Zeinab Ahmed Mohammed Abd Elnaby.
B .Sc. Nursing Tanta University [2011]

Under Supervision Of Assist. Prof. Kareema Ahmed
Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration
Faculty of Nursing
Tanta University
DR. Nora Ahmed Abdullah
Lecture of Nursing Administration
Faculty of Nursing
Benha University

Faculty of Nursing
Benha University
Introduction Higher education scholars have established key basic associated with the development of university …show more content…

Students most commonly recognized faculty as having the greatest potential impact on their educational journeys , time and again students under scored that faculty has the ways of teaching , challenged and engagement for helping them to reaching their goals ( Terry , Diane , 2016 ) . Other factors that seems to influence the language teaching and learning is a sense of self efficacy . In education , self efficacy is defined as the ability of individual consider necessary to achieve personal goals ( Hallum , 2013 , Rashidi , 2014 ) . Self efficacy is key factor for success of the learners, because self efficacy affects the choice and learners making the action ( Dale , Schunk , Judith , 2013). Self efficacy is people 's confidence in their abilities which they can perform a particular task successfully. Self efficacy beliefs should be related to understanding academic outcomes due to leading self efficacy for specific behaviors and motivations ( Dale , Carol , 2016 ) . Expectations of academic efficacy are student 's beliefs in their ability to perform the behaviors necessary to achieve a particular result. Self efficacy is also said to have a measure of control over the feelings and thoughts of the individual and work ( Myron , Dembo , 2016 ) . Student with low self efficacy more easily give up in academic pursuits than students with high

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