
Self Observation Paper

Decent Essays

The brand I chose from P&G is Tide. In order to conduct relevant observational research with the goal of improving and developing an advertising strategy, I decided to observe residents’ behavior in my dorm’s laundry room. This allowed me to conduct primary research, which would allow me completely understanding the process because I was present in conducting the entire experiment; I did not use others’ data. To begin my observation, I decided that my observation would be structured because the chore of doing laundry does not deviate by an overwhelming amount of factors: (1) unload your dirty clothes from your basket to the washer, (2) add in detergent (and softener), (3) wait for your clothes to finish in the washer, (4) unload your damp clothes from the washer to the dryer, (5) add in a dryer sheet, (6) wait for the clothes to finish in the dryer, and (7) unload your dry and clean clothes from the washer to your basket. Therefore, I realized that everyone would undergo nearly the same routine, making an unstructured data recording strategy redundant. Using the broad list of tasks above as a checklist and the foundation of my results, would illustrate a basic understanding of my observation. Though, I did realize it was impossible for every single resident that I would observe to follow the checklist exactly and in order. …show more content…

This option allows for behaviors to occur at their own timely matter, not to be rushed or fabricated like an artificial situation would suggest. In this case, a natural situation would allow for authentic behavior in the laundry room, which would allow for more accurate and more beneficial results because behavior in a natural situation would be most close to behavior at home than behavior in an artificial situation. And behavior at home is where Tide will be used most often. Because I will be in a my dorm’s laundry room, a natural situation will be easy to

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