
Self Reflective Essay

Decent Essays

When I was eight years old I was diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), a disorder characterized by an extremely painful chronic burning sensation and amplified symptoms of everyday injuries. This disorder presented itself as an obstacle in my life, both physically and mentally. With no cure known I learned how to make myself feel normal and be able to do everyday tasks, while at the same time dealing with the bullying and the emotional toll that having a chronic pain disorder can cause. While health issues are not something anybody wants, I believe that this challenge in my life helped to teach me lessons that made me who I am today.
In September of 2008 I was playing tag with my sisters when I stumbled and hurt my ankle. However, …show more content…

David Sherry of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) diagnosed me with RSD. Being diagnosed was not the end of my journey though, while no cure has been found, there are treatments to reduce the pain to almost nothing. With this knowledge I started a treatment of desensitization therapy, exposure to sensations that cause pain in order to build up tolerance, in my situation this is anything touching my skin. In addition to desensitization therapy I started physical therapy. Every week I would do an intense exercise routine to help me regain function and to try and correct the misdirected pain signals that cause the excruciating pain to the touch. Unfortunately, in the winter of 2008 I came down with the flu. Normally the flu just makes people sick, but for me it also aggravated my RSD to the point where my pain spread to my entire body. I began having symptoms all over, which led to several missed days of school. In the spring of 2008, I started the Therapeutic Hospital Treatment Program for Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome (AMPS) at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). This program ranks as the greatest hurdle in my life. Every weekday I would drive to CHOP to do a program consisting of physical, occupational, and pool therapy along with a fun day activity for a total of eight hours. These days in the program were so physically demanding that I wanted to give up, but with support from family, friends,

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