
Semiological Analysis Essay

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In this essay I intend to look at two magazine covers aimed at the adult female market one magazine, Marie Claire, is aimed at heterosexual females the other, Diva, at lesbian females. Now in order to make that simplistic statement I have already used semiotic information, for Diva the sub title "For the lesbian in you" was enough to give me a pointer, sorry signifier, in the right direction. For Marie Claire I relied upon my wife. The semiotic analysis I shall offer, will not include certain items which I have predetermined to be conventional, unless they subvert that convention in order to make a point. These items are the magazine titling, (not the name) the bar coding and the contents list, or titillations, on the front …show more content…

A magazine cover contains very complex arrays of both visual and textual semiotic information, using both broadcast codes (to attract new readers) and narrowcast codes (to maintain existing readership), along with presentational codes, marked ness and so on. There is so much going on that I will declare that I will not deal with it all. Images and the visual semiotic information they contain are hard to analyse because the social codes they use are deeply embedded in us, and therefore hard to isolate and quantify. MARIE CLAIRE DECEMBER 2002 EDITION. Marie Claire alludes to be a Christian name of possibly French origin, I will speculate that it is actually borrowed from a Peter Sarstedt song of the sixties called "Where Do You Go To My Lovely" in which the heroine, who originated from the back street of Naples to become a society high flyer, was called Marie Claire. This is purely speculative and in being so shows how one text can borrow from another albeit unintentionally to create an identity for itself in a reader. This cover whilst seeming very straight forward gives us a mass of information, which on closer inspection will prove to be totally incongruous. Firstly one would have to have lived in a cave for the last ten years not to recognise the two people depicted. Secondly one would know that the only reason these two people are here is because they are both stars in a new James Bond film and that this is

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