
Service Area Competitor Analysis : Johnson & Johnson

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Service Area Competitor Analysis
The Service Area.
Johnson & Johnson is headquartered in New Brunswick, New Jersey with the consumer division being located in Skillman, New Jersey. The corporation includes some 250 subsidiary companies with operations in over 57 countries and products sold in over 175 countries. Through its family of companies, Johnson & Johnson employs approximately 127,000 people worldwide and is engaged in the research and development, manufacture and sale of a broad range of products in the health care field in virtually all countries of the world.
As a member of the global healthcare community, Johnson & Johnson consistently displays a long-standing commitment to global health. Its goal is to advance health care in society by delivering transformational solutions to advance the health and well being of families and communities all over the world. Johnson & Johnson aims at tackling major global health challenges including HIV, tuberculosis, Ebola, and neglected tropical diseases, including worm-based infections. Johnson and Johnson takes innovative approaches to advancing research and development and to develop sustainable access to medicine worldwide. Johnson & Johnson 's operating companies are organized into three business segments: Consumer Health, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices.
Consumer Health Care:
Each day, millions of people of all ages in homes around the world use products from one or more of Johnson & Johnsons’ consumer health care

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