
Service Learning Project Reflection

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Service Learning Project Reflection

An Experience Like No Other In the past, I have participated in community service projects. It wasn’t until The Leadership and Professional Development (LPD) class in the fall of 2012 that I was introduced to the idea of service learning. This semester taught me the importance of reflecting on the community service that I performed and actually taking something away from the experience. This semester my team and I had the opportunity to participate in community service activities at The Village at Carver Family YMCA at 1600 Pryor Road. We had the pleasure of working with a wonderful and enthusiastic staff and mentoring some of the local youth. The youth that we mentored ranged from kindergarten …show more content…

The group that I chose needed help in math. The problem with most of the kids was not that they were incapable of learning the material. It was that they didn’t find it interesting and did not understand how it would help them in the future. A method that I used with them, that was taught to me a apply math to making money. After I explained to how excelling in math would ultimately help them make more money, they were more enthused about the subject area. I personally never saw myself as a tutor but after helping the kids, it made me see certain qualities in myself that I did not know I had. Among other things, my team and I had the privilege of sitting down and talking with some of the senior citizens in the community. Besides helping the kids with their school work, this was one of the most beneficial things about my community service at the YMCA. In my conversation with some of the senior citizens, it allowed me to really appreciate the viewpoint of the elderly and in return sharing my insight on a few things. It made me feel good because they recognized us for doing something positive in the community and making a difference instead of getting into to trouble. Now that my time at the service learning site is over, I am glad that I had the opportunity to participate in it. It helped further myself in becoming a future leader. During the class we discussed a couple of frameworks to help is grow and become great leaders. One of those was the 21

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