
Seven Things You Should Know About Introverts

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Knowing about yourself is great, but knowing about others also can have its benefits. In the Article “Seven things Extroverts should know About introverts(and vice versa)” by Psychologist Sophia Dembling, it talks about the things that one should know about the other, specifically related to introverts and extroverts. To clarify introverts are ones who normally keep to themselves, when there's a party, they are the ones who are typically at home watching Netflix. While on the other hand extroverts are the ones who are at the party, and most of the time always wanting to do something and socialize. While each personalities are very different, each one has its own benefits. Let’s first start with what extroverts and should know about introverts. In the article, Dembling mentions introverts don't need alone time because they don’t like their friends, but because very simply, they just need time to themselves, and time to regroup and relax. Additionally, she mentions introverts don’t sit quietly because they are judging anyone, but because they like to watch and observe what others are saying and doing. I can relate to that one, as I catch myself doing that often. …show more content…

When talking about introverts Dembling states that, on her last point she says “ Anything but the telephone”, I would have to disagree on that one. Since I would describe myself as an introvert, I feel like I can defend myself on this one. Even though I like to be alone, I love talking on the phone and could do it for hours. In fact I'm one of the ones who will walk around the house doing the most weird things while talking on the phone. Also when talking about extroverts, she states “ they aren't doing it to loosen you up, they normally mean well”, this one I think it would depend on what they are trying to get you to do. Because he activities they are trying to get you to do may go against social norms or even the

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