
Shakespeare Human Nature

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It was very common that authors during the Renaissance Era would mostly talk about their feelings and about human nature. William Shakespeare and Francis Petrarch are both examples of authors that are well known to talk about human nature and expressing their feelings about love, people and nature. Shakespeare’s sonnets contain an overall sense of story and deep feelings where the reader can relate. A lot of people like his poems since it is very easy to understand and relate to them. However, we still do not know if they were real life events or not because nobody knows enough about Shakespeare’s life to say this is accurate. In the other hand, Francis Petrarch sonnets are also very easy to relate since he talks a lot about love. In his …show more content…

In his sonnets not only shows his love side but also how he struggled with self-doubt and insecurities. One example of this would be “ All men make faults, and even I in this, authorizing thy trespass with compare, myself corrupting, salving thy amiss, excusing thy sins more than thy sins are” (Sonnet 35, lines 5-8). I think sometimes as humans we tend to judge and blame others even if it’s been our fault. In this sonnet he talks how his lover betrayed him and something I actually liked that he said and I think we, as humans should do is that he decides to assume equal guilt despite the pain that his lover gave him. As most of the Renaissance era authors talk about love, there is many times where their sonnets express loss, grief, and pain where we can also relate. An example would be “and yet I live, grief and disdain to me, left where that light I cherished never shows, in fragile bark on the tempestuous sea. Here let my loving song come to a close, the vein of my accustomed art is dry, and this, my lyre, turned at last to tears” (Sonnet 292, lines 9-14). Petrarch is dealing with the death of someone whom he has loved for many years and feels useless and rather be death than suffer and being in this world since she is

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