
Shall the Fundamentals Win by Harry Emerson Fosdick

Decent Essays

Perhaps the most powerful, fluent, and forceful paper promoting liberal Christianity is indeed Harry Emerson Fosdick's 1922 sermon “Shall the Fundamentalists Win?”. Fosdick seemed as if he was a very captivating human being in history during his time of existence. He wrote one of the most engaging papers that I have yet to read thus this far. It was definitely a wise decision to go ahead and read the two articles discussing fundamentalism to catch me up so that I did not have trouble keeping up with Fosdick's movement that he established in his sermon. Initially, I believe that the arising church is, amongst other things, is a rectifying of liberalism for a postmodern age. And I'm convinced that the same claims made by Fosdick in 1922 are just what we hear form emergents today. There is nothing new that lies under the sun today. It is only natural that the specifics argued for by the modernists are not those of the postmodern emergents. I'm dumbfounded that Fosdick's opening strategy is to compare and contrast “fundamentalist” with the “evangelical churches”. Fortunately, Fosdick was writing during a time in period when liberals were actually pleased with living up to their name. He does however accidentally refer to liberalism within the body of his sermon but his opening comparison is between “fundamentalist” and the “evangelical churches”, even before he introduces the reader to “liberal opinions”. Little had I realized that his foundation to his strategy to camouflage

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