
Shana Knizhnik's Justice Ginsburg

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When I think of someone that has had a great impact on my life, I always think of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She is not only an honorable justice, but has proved herself to be an amazing mother, wife, student, teacher, attorney, and judge that anyone can look up to. She is just an overall amazing influential woman that I hope to one day be like. I, of course, am not the only one who feels that way about her. Over the last several years, Justice Ginsburg has become a feminist icon that has inspired many memes and artwork. The book that I chose to review is a book that I had on my to-read virtual bookshelf for a long time for those same reasons. Thankfully, this course finally gave me the push that I needed to finally purchase the book. …show more content…

One of the authors, Shana Knizhnik, created the Notorious R.B.G. Tumblr blog during her time in law school. Her Tumblr page was created to be a digital tribute for Justice Ginsburg, but sometime later, it turned into a movement that quickly spread around the country (Carmon and Knizhnik). I personally, followed the Tumblr blog because I admired Justice Ginsburg and found the images to be amazingly quirky and inspiring. The blog had many memes about Justice Ginsburg, but it also featured girls dressed up as her, manicures and tattoos inspired her and much more. It was a blog that I knew that I could rely on to cheer me up and get me to learn at the same time yet a community at the same time. After the huge success of her Ginsburg dedicated Tumblr blog, Shana was approached to write a book with journalist Irin Carmon about the Notorious RBG herself. While the book is written by Irin, Shana curated the images and fact-checked the information featured in it, which still gave it that personality that the Tumblr blog had been so successful for (Carmon and Knizhnik). The book ended up being completed in six months, all while Irin worked as a full-time journalist and Shana finished up law school. They cited Justice Ginsburg herself for being their inspiration to multitask and work hard (Bazelon, Emily). Soon after the book was published, it began to spread and had great sales. Suddenly,

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