
Sheena Neff What Is The Baylor Bubble

Decent Essays

“What is the Baylor bubble?” This was the unexpected question that BIC alumna Dr. Sabrina Neff posed to our classroom as she began her lecture. Curious about this so-called ‘Baylor bubble’, I shifted in my seat, readying my hand for note-taking. Dr. Neff continued in this Socratic style of question and answer, until she relayed what she felt the ‘Baylor bubble’ was; a myth. As she laid out her reasoning behind this claim, one point was emphasized: the danger of such a myth is that it creates an environment in which Baylor faculty, staff, and students are unprepared to deal with bad things when they occur, for they surely have occurred and will continue to do so. Due to the recent situations that the Baylor community has found itself in, …show more content…

These principles were reflected during Dr. Neff’s lecture, as it became apparent that the BIC’s core values had greatly shaped her life’s perspective. Dr. Neff encouraged us, current BIC students, to be the individuals to shape Baylor’s culture. She put forward that we have the power and the responsibility to speak up as issues arise, to pursue conversation and initiate change, and to let that be our legacy as we will one day leave the Baylor campus, but never the loving Baylor …show more content…

Neff speak, what greatly stood out to me was her emphasis on how we, as students, contribute to Baylor’s culture. She highlighted our ability and involvement on campus, saying “you should never underestimate your power to change a situation”. As I write this reflection, I’m sitting in my dorm room, with the door partially open and quiet music playing. If I became too distracted, I suppose I could shut my door, and keep the girls on my hall out. But, I won’t. Why? Because developing relationships with the girls on my hall, and people on Baylor’s campus, is of equal, if not greater, importance than anything else I’m doing here. As Baylor students, we absolutely do have the responsibility, the honor; of creating the sort environment that we desire to see – whatever sort that may be. Dr. Neff encouraged us to take care of one another, creating a nurturing culture. That is exactly the atmosphere that I think many of us hope to see empowered here. While her lecture came at a time in Baylor’s soon-to-be history that is wrought with unfortunate circumstances, I believe her points apply to all generations of Baylor students, of college students, of people. The worldly impact of her advice must not be overlooked – it is exactly the kind of influence that the BIC encourages its students to engage, and exactly the kind of impact we should desire to have on the world. The power to create whatever culture one is a part of is vital and valuable to forming a culture

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