I was born in Yoakum, Texas about fifteen minutes away from Shiner, Texas.
Shiner is a small town where I have been raised all my life. This community has always been more than just the same people you see all the time. My community became my family. I believe you could say Shiner is the type of "water tower town". I say that because everyone knows each other and although we have two different schools, we all come together and support each other. My parents, as well as my teachers and friends, have been there for me to help guide me and give me confidence in what I do.
I have attended Shiner Catholic School since I was three years old. I have been surrounded with the same students and teachers throughout all my years at school. For this reason,
At The Boys and Girls Club of America I met a huge diverse group of people.
The area is always having community based events which keep myself and neighbors involved and close knit. What really set this community apart is the group or neighborhood cohesion that the management office constantly creates for its tenants to enjoy.
In Lewistown, you know the waitresses at all the family owned restaurants, the pastors at all the churches, the bus drivers, and odds are your history teacher is also the basketball coach and the athletic director. My graduating class consists of children of the community farmers which grew up with my parents and my parents' parents. These children will graduate and take over the family farm and continue the generation chain. So many of the experiences I am privileged to have received or be a part of, are because of my little town. One particular example is the flood of 2013. The farmers who lived down in the river bottoms were rushing to find people to assist in sand bagging so they could save their house from the flood. The community all came together and hurried to aid these families in any way they could. People spent countless hours filling and carrying hundreds of sand bags. In a community like mine, it does not matter how well you know a person, what matters is that anyone is willing and eager to help in every way they can. The hearts of these individuals in my community are bigger than any other. When I was younger, at church I would bring every toy that could fit in
This is what I admire most about my community. In Queens, people from completely different walks of life interact and work with each other to
Superhero comics and fairytales often illustrate the heroes as pure good and the villains as unadulterated evil. However, in reality, most people are not so clearly defined as black and white. In the short story “The Rattler”, a man encounters a rattlesnake that could pose as a potential threat to other passerby. He momentarily contemplates the situation and then decides to take the snake’s life. In “The Rattler”, the writer uses the passive snake, the conflicted man, and the peaceful setting in order to convey pity for the snake and a mixture of disdain and sympathy for the man.
Who knew after drinking just only two rounds that Neji can be like this? You sigh, smacking your head as your friend drank the last drop of alcohol from his shot glass. You vow to yourself that if Neji wanted to drink, it will only be at home and not at a bar. Just thinking about carrying him all the way to his house will be a very long journey, especially when it feels like you are carrying a dead person on your back. You also made a mental note that Neji is not a heavy drinker like you were. Just two shot glass and he’s already done?
Communities are all over the place, multiple people belong to all types of communities. The community I belong to is the community of Fox Hall. I’ve lived in Fox Hall for the whole time I have been attending the University of Massachusetts Lowell. I have met numerous amounts of people and made several friends while living in Fox Hall. Fox Hall is a fascinating building because it has eighteen floors of residence. Fox Hall is the tallest building in Lowell which is very interesting. Since I have been here, I was curious about all the activities that have been going on in Fox Hall. I chose Fox Hall as my residence hall because it offers many opportunities to meet new people and make new friends. I find it important to see how people react during
Half the people I see on a daily basis are from a different ethnicity, culture, or even country, and I feel that the population here is much more diverse than a normal
I was lucky. Lucky to have allies who would willingly have those difficult conversations, and to have a family that understood and was willing to help me access the support I needed. That is why, for my intended major, I wrote down education. The teachers and staff who listened and respected the needs I had during my high school career transformed the girl who thought she would never turn 18 into a thriving young woman excited to take on the world. I wish to use my experience to help others, especially young people who feel completely alone because I know the tremendous power of having a teacher or mentor who believes in you when you are unable to believe in
For Example say if you don’t have a parent at home who you trust or if you don’t have friends you really trust. You have counselor, Teachers and principal at your school who will be willing to help you. Also, when you feel like giving up they can try to be positive things to cheer you up. Soon you will find comfort and be able to achieve your goals.
Way back when, my grandpa built the house I live in today from the ground up, and not too long before I was born my mom and dad bought it from him. From when I was a little tike to now I have made that place my home. The brick dwelling sits between my grandparents new house, what is now an empty lot of land, and a small pond sitting in front of a corn field. As a kid my brothers and I fed the fish in that pond on a daily basis; they were practically pets of ours. There was a shallow spot at one end of what seemed like
I was lucky enough to have supportive parents and they got me the help I needed. They also held me back in second grade and hired me a private tutor. This private tutor was one of my favorite teachers. Her name is Miss Suzan.
The community as a whole is something which may seem silly to the average person's eye, however, through the lens of someone such as myself, it's a story. It's a story of generations of players over the continuous land that is Jerry and Harry, and friends that have been lost, that are in pain, that are simply too bubbly and goofy to be realistic, and most importantly, the story of a triumphant sixteen-year-old guy that knows that this is not his community, it's Jerry and Harry's community, more than that, it's like a family to me. Truly the only family I've come to notice after the major life events that have occurred over these three years. There are numerous amounts of people that I met through playing on this server, and that's something you can never take away from
When an obstacle came my way, I was able to identify there was an issue, reach out to those around me, and most importantly stay positive. Everyone was right in their own way. My peers reminded me to have fun, my teacher reminded me to always listen and take notes, and my parents reminded they are there for me. This experience made me think, overcoming obstacles can be challenging for anyone. I am glad I have a good support system. Sometimes the advice I receive may seem like no one understands what I am going through, but I should listen and make the advice work for my situation. Things did not work out right away, but eventually they
Communities can be found everywhere and can be created anywhere. You may be unaware of it, but you are part of a community not only based on your location, but also based on your lifestyle, your religion, your heritage, your education, or your abilities. As Hewitt once said, “Community provides a psychological world and a place of identification for its members.” Identifying yourself with a particular community may be easier than it