
Short Story 11: Nanny

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Short Story 11- Nanny Toronto had never appeared more alive. Cars swirled by, mashing together into streams of silver, with flamboyant red sneaking its way in, once and a while. Dan loved cars, could stare at their shiny exteriors all day if her could. But, right now, he ddin't have all day. He had exactly 7 minute to get to his job interview. So, naturally, he ran. 10 minutes late; that's how late he was. Dan cursed under his breath. The woman on the other side of the table didn't look remotely impressed. “You're tardy” “Traffic's murder” “Liar” Dan grimaced, the conspicuous coffee stain on his lapel wasn't doing him any favors. His fingers twitched; he needed this job. “ I over-slept”. She looked amused. “That's rather irresponsible”.

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