Alayna sat silently as she listened to the Stark girl’s story. Not saying a word until Lyanna had finished not wanting to interrupt just in case she missed out on any details. Alayna was surprised the once hostile She-Wolf had opened up to her so quickly; it was like a dam had busted causing a flood of words to tumble out of the girl’s mouth. Once Lyanna had finished, Alayna nodded and stood from her seat on the ground before moving to collect the wooden shield from the ground, “Well, if you’re going to do this, then you’ll need a symbol?” For the first time since Alayna had met Lyanna Stark, she saw a smile creep it’s way onto the other girl’s face as she too moved over to look at the shield along with her brother, Benjen. Lyanna …show more content…
Completely and utterly exhausted from the day's events, more than ready to sleep. However, that wasn’t what fate intended for her just yet as a firm hand grasped her arm just as she made it to the edge of the tents. “What are you doing out so late, Alayna?” Arthur hissed as he pulled her to him, checking her over in the moonlight as he searched for any sign of distress. Alayna chuckled and shook her head at the knight, “Just out for a stroll.” “Of course.” Arthur snorted, not believing her for a moment, “What were you really doing?” “Exploring.” She informed him, it wasn’t a complete lie. She had been exploring before she caught the Starks sneaking off. He quirked an eyebrow, “At night?” All Alayna can do is laugh as the knight shook his head and offered her his arm. She took it without hesitation, knowing these moments between them would be few and far between. Once again they found a comfortable silence as the pair sauntered through the still living village of tents. Laughter and shouts surrounded them like a shroud, allowing for them to make their way towards her tent without anyone noticing. Everyone was too busy enjoying themselves and celebrating to really pay a Kingsguard escorting a lady any mind. Once they arrived, Alayna thanked Arthur for his time by leaning up to press a kiss to his stubble covered
“We brought you here because Anna is studying you in class, and needs to ask you some questions .” Paisley said with a smile. “
"I want to know what's wrong with you!" Arthur answered, his patience beginning to wear
"I got a .......... wand with that's twelve and three quarters inches long, and a dragon heartstring core " Thalia responded.
“Jamie!” She jumped up, eyes wide, lips slightly parted in surprise. “What are you doing here?”
“You don’t understand Alyxander… Shes incapable of handling a task this big. If you really want to send her to her death….well then, what type of Watchdog are you. Surely not the kind i’ve known.” There was a woman standing tucked in the corner with a man. They looked to be in an attack.
"Thanks-" I say before Kayla comes walking up to us. She looks at the staff but doesn’t say anything. She’s a bit intimidating with her fierce eyes that pierce straight through me. She has a curious silver pin on her cloak, but I don’t dare ask what it is.
“What are you doing here,” I asked softly. As she proceeded to answer, Brandy cuts around the corner and said,
Suddenly, the wind stopped, and she could feel her feet touching the ground. Rebekka looked around her. They were in front of a dark, black castle. Marya handed her a sword and said, “I cannot go in with you. You must fight alone.”
"Daring," Rosebella stood in the doorway, watching him with nervous eyes. "What are you doing?"
He regarded her curiously before casting his eyes to his door and nodding his head. “I was going to do some paperwork.”
"Oh, I almost forgot," Gwaine said suddenly. "There's a bag over in that corner, Merlin. It's got a wreath for the door and something special as well."
Laurance frowned, he seemed to be doing quite a bit of that today, "What's that supposed to mean?"
Selison grunts and groans as he begins to stir. He tries to fall back asleep but keeps waking up. Eventually something grabs hold of him and yanks him out of bed. He lets out a shout as he falls out of the covers and slams onto the floor, waking Jade, who instantly groans when the hangover hits. Selison hops up to his feet, activates his eyes, extends his talons and is ready to fight. Before he can get his bearings, however, Xasalamel tosses Selison Deomacht, which he catches.
It was 6:00 p.m. and I had been studying for a few hours to prepare for a test the next day in accounting, and it was time for a break. After walking around idly, getting a drink, and clearing my mind, I headed for the stairs. My study area was in the basement where it was private and quiet. However, my wife distracted me and I lost my balance as I turned; my foot slipped off the top step. Time felt as though it had instantly slowed, and I was airborne. Instinctively, my right arm went up to protect my head and face as I fell backward, and my other arm reached out to stop the rapid descent; but, there was nothing but air to hold.
The smell of antiseptic filled my nostrils as I gripped my coffee firmly. Swinging my bag over my shoulders, I watched as the other nurses and doctors walked into rooms. Checking on patients and doing their daily rounds. The sound of familiar beeping rang through the air. I strolled past the front desk into the hospital break room. I opened the doors and heard the voice of my coworker.