
Real Right Thing

Satisfactory Essays

The modern media today is very privacy invasive. Even though the short story The Real Right Thing was written in 1899, it still highlights how important our privacy is to us, even after we die. In this world, media- including the news, social media, and any other platform where people's lives can be exposed- is very prominent. A person can do one thing, can make one tiny mistake, and within hours the entire universe knows about it. Fortunately for most of us, the media usually centers their attention on celebrities or other famous people. In this story, a widow hires a writer- a friend of her deceased husband- to write a series of novels about him. Unbeknownst to them at the time, the spirit of the deceased man still lingered, watching their actions closely. In modern times, the smallest gossip dug up on someone can make headlines. Whether it be as simple as someone picking their nose at a stoplight, if someone sees it, soon tons of people will know. It's sort of ridiculous how quickly gossip about a person can spread, and how warped the story can get. In The Real Right Thing, Ashton Doyne, the dead husband, clearly has private information about himself in his files. When Mr. George Withermore snoops through his personal effects to find material for a story, his spirit …show more content…

Hackings, gossip, any number of things can destroy the fragile glass we put up around ourselves to conceal our innermost secrets. Really, it's quite sad how vulnerable we make ourselves to attack through how much information we display, thinking it will remain 'private'. Privacy is a lovely theory, but not always an easy one to uphold. Our information, the conversations we have in confidence with other people, the very basic right we think we have to not have our personal lives exposed to the world, it’s all at very high risk, all the time. So much can go wrong so fast, leaving us like turtles without shells; exposed and

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