
Should Abortion Be Required To Carry A Child?

Decent Essays

Imagine a fourteen year old girl who had just been sexually assaulted and is now pregnant. Should she be forced to carry that child? The answer is no. Abortion should be legal under any circumstance because females under the age of eighteen are not emotionally ready to carry a child and when they are turned away, it can lead to mental health issues. Along with mental health problems, there could also be physical health problems. Most of the time, women choose abortion because they do not have the financial means for pregnancy and parenthood. Females under the age of eighteen are not emotionally ready to carry a child and when they are turned away, it can lead to mental health issues. Those who are denied abortions feel regret, anger, and lack of happiness. 95% of women who have had abortions feel that it was the right decision (should procon). Since the legalization of …show more content…

When they were illegal, women would often resort to at home abortions, which involve using a coat hanger to remove the fetus. In 2004 there were an estimation of 68,000 maternal deaths due to unsafe abortions (top). Banning abortions can lead to the death of women. People argue that abortions can lead to cancer and infertility but that is untrue. “Advancements in the medical field have dramatically reduced complications from abortion; studies show that it is actually safer than carrying a pregnancy to full term” (top). Professionally done abortions are much safer than at home abortions. Along with abortion preventing people from coat hanger abortions, it also prevents people from developing conditions from giving birth. One woman developed plugged ducts, a condition in which the breasts become painfully engorged with milk (Lang). If she had been able to get an abortion, she would not have developed this condition. Abortion should be legal because it reduces the risk of maternal death and other health

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