
Should Cell Phones Be Used On The Road?

Decent Essays

Technology has allowed us to accomplished many new devices in the past years. One of the those devices is a handy tool called a Cell Phone. Just about everyone has a cell phone nowadays, the cell phone has endless abilities it can do. Many people use it on the daily to help with certain tasks such as getting in touch with people by calling or texting. Cell phones can be found just about anywhere such as offices and business, but one place a cell phone does not belong is in the hands of a driver in a car. Though cell phones are very handy for quick calls and keeping up with social media, the cell phone should never be used on the road. Everyday someone either gets into an accident or even dies due to using the cell phone while driving. A simple text …show more content…

Hundreds of lives are taken each day due to these accidents. In 2012, 3,328 people were killed in distraction-related crashes (Texting and Driving Statistics). In hope of a solution, some states have even went as far as completely banning cellphone use while driving hoping it will prevent any more accidents involving cell phones. In personal experience I have seen these kinds of accidents happen. When texting and driving you lose complete sight of the road in front of you, you could easily hit an animal, another car or even someone crossing the road. There are many ways to prevent these accidents and becoming a threat to the road. An example of this putting your phone in your glove compartment or in the back seat until you reach your destination. In the past few years many people have been victims of being in a accident or have even died from using the cell phone in the car. There has been over 1.6 million car accidents a year caused by texting while driving. Texting, scrolling on Facebook, checking missed calls and answering a call while driving is all apart of being an irresponsible

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