A college education is one of the many paths a student can take after high school. College, the work-force, and the military are three common paths students take after high school. However, college is an important part in gaining a solid career and a key part in life-long success. College opens up more opportunities for students.
College allows you to express yourself by selecting a specific field of study that you would like to pursue. This allows you to become “specialized” in a field of study, ultimately creating more demand for you, and having an increase in salary. With just a high school education, everyone is on the same level, not specializing in any certain thing. People expressing themselves is an important part of human culture,
The difference in pay per year between a person with just a high school degree and a person with a college degree is $17,500. You could buy some new cars for that much money! Not only would you be wealthier, you would also be much more likely to be wiser as well. Earning a degree provides one with new knowledge and information, it teaches them how to critically think and how to solve problems. A college degree also provides a sense of well-being and importance to the world. It also helps out with communicating at your job; with both your writing and your verbal. Communication is arguably the most important thing you will receive from a college
One implication of college is that it’s the only route you can take to be successful. Charles Murray’s article “Are Too Many People Going to College” disagrees and believes that college really just prepares you for life. With still good focus towards a career but, there are many circumstances where individuals can get equal experiences going straight into the workforce. Murray uses the quote from John Stuart Mill who in 1867 told his students at St.Andrews that “Universities are not intended to teach the knowledge required to fit men for some special mode of gaining their livelihood” to help promote his argument. He claims that college is mainly preparing you for life, and I feel that there is still a heavy stress on the topic and learning the material. On the other hand I agree that kids that go straight to work out of high school be equally successful if done right, and do so without paying thousands of dollars a year on college. Do not fall into the illusion that college is the only option, look at everything there is to offer.
If you get a degree in college the unemployment rate is 4.5%, if you just get a diploma for high school the unemployment rate is 11.3% percent. Getting a degree in college boosts your chances of getting in the job position you want. Imagine a situation where you and someone else are applying for the same job. You have a diploma and the other person has a degree in that line of business, guess who the employer will pick. The career options are a lot larger
Preparing for College after graduating from high school is considered to be as one of the most thought by students. Even so, most students nowadays are uncertain whether attending college will be a good advantage for them. Some believe that it is a waste of time and money, but most people consider it as a reason to thrive in life. Unlike High school, College is certainly different because it determines your future and should be taken more earnestly by the students. College education is a worth of cost because it basically provides students with great benefits, which can be a good help in shaping their future goals.
We are told to “go to college” by family, media, and teachers, but we are never given an explanation on why it’s important for us to get a higher education. The importance of higher education is so we can obtain a career that can support our needs and wants. It’s also important because it gives you an advantage when trying to get a job. Employers require a higher form of education, which is necessary for our society to advance. There aren’t many jobs that accept people with a high school diploma as their highest form of education. Employers want people that know what they’re doing, and so does our society. In order for people to go into the career field they want, they need to go to college to learn everything that comes with that career.
Many people believe that after high school it’s not necessary to attend college. But in my opinion, I think that college is necessary. Some people with only a high school diploma tend to struggle to find a good job. But with a college degree, there is a higher chance of finding a better job. There are many colleges that offer degrees and programs that last two
Imagine getting the job of your dreams. Well, you can, but you have to get more of a education first. College is where you go after high school. Here, you can take many classes of your choice to help you to prepare for your career. Obtaining a college degree has many benefits.
The key aspect that many people would think about going to college is to just become more intelligent. This statement may be true because everyone goes through the same amount of schooling. Whether or not their learning ability is better or worse, everyone goes through the basics of schooling that everyone should know. First of all, college brings many job opportunities and a stability for yourself. With a higher level of education you can earn the ability to be able to switch jobs locations. A high school graduate is lucky to get a job, and them pushing it moving it around isn’t going to help. Meanwhile, a college graduate could switch job location from this continent to the next. Getting a job that grants you
Having a college education is an important tool that contributes to several aspects of a person’s life. The areas that are impacted the most would be the professional and personal areas. It is important to learn the value of a college education in order to take advantage of what you learn and how to productively apply it in your personal and professional life. Having a college education is something that can always be looked at as a positive achievement that feels good and looks good on a resume. Earning a college degree
Today, many students are settling for jobs immediately out of high school instead of furthering their education in college. Students should consider how necessary college actually is for their lives in the future. It provides one with a significant amount of opportunities, a greater knowledge about their career plan, and a better sense of responsibility.
In today's society a college degree will open the door to many job opportunities. The possibilities are endless compared to those presented with a high school diploma. College gives you a chance to show the world the best version of yourself. They give you the chance to get earn money for doing the thing you love. College degrees are the difference between living comfortably, or struggling paycheck to paycheck. I don't want to struggle, so this is why high school is just the beginning of my education. College also gives you the chance to meet new people from around the country. A lot can happen in fours years. Meeting and interacting with new people could open the door for new ways and passions for learning. The more I learn, the more I enrich my future
Why is college so important? A few years ago, most people only obtained their high school diploma and would receive any job in the market, but colleges have become the twenty-first century key to success. Jobs are now being given to those who are more educated and college provides this extra education. It is not the same as high school. High school education consists of a more general knowledge, which is a small amount of information about all the topics, but college is focused on the major. College graduates have more comprehension in their area than those with a high school diploma. As President Theodore Roosevelt once said, “A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.” (Chicago Tribute). His point is that the more educated a person is; the higher goals they can obtain. College is the best way to succeed because it provides more education about deeper knowledge and moral value. It also opens up more job opportunities, and practical knowledge about the discipline and enlightened understanding.
A respectable college education gives people the advantage to lead themselves in any direction they want to proceed in life. College is a time that students can truly become individuals. They have the opportunity to become more independent and to take on new responsibilities. The bonuses of a college education include more self-confidence, greater economic stability and security, and it makes you a major contributor to the greatest nation on earth.
The major reason of going to college is to get a good job. College prepares us with academic knowledge in order to succeed in the future. Many people think that a higher education is essential to prepare a person for their future. As
A college education helps people and prepares them for the entry into the real world. Students learn what exactly personal freedom is and then they learn how to enjoy freedom in the