Should colleges be free for everyone to earn up to an AA degree? Some people believe that college is expensive and college should be free. On the contrary, others believe that the higher education is worth the money. Most people believe that college should be free because not all people can pay the price to go to college. Even though some people believe that everyone can pay for college. The truth is that colleges should be free for all to earn up to an AA degree because there could be more chances for people to get jobs and a better future. On the condition that most jobs require a degree, people need to go to college, but people need money to go to college. Also, with more knowledge, there are more opportunities for a job. On,
The second reason why community colleges should not give out free tuition is because this could actually lower the rates of students becoming successful. According to Andrew P. Kelly from the article “Should Community College be Free”, he said in an interview that “Free community college could actually lower rates of student success; the literature suggests that is less selective than they are academically qualified to attend reduces students’ chances of graduating” (Kelly) (2). Furthermore, this article also shows student’s performances are weaker in free colleges than normal colleges. This means that by giving out free tuition to students will also make them more laid back and not focus on studying as much as they should be. This is a little
"Should policymakers make college free or better support institutions?" by Matthew M. Chingos is an article based on the endless debate about college prices. In the article, Chingos is explaining very clearly the Democratic Party platform, the alternatives, the impact of the increased spending or reducing tuition and what would be the result if any of these platforms would pass.
Should state colleges be free to attend? I believe not. Why it is simply impossible, someone will have to pay in some way or form. Almost everything today has a price on it.
State colleges in the United States should be tuition-free for everybody. Everyone deserves a chance to have a higher education than high school. Many other countries in the world already use this method. Germany and Norway both have tuition-free public colleges and it’s working fine for them. Even some states in America use the free community college program. Giving people a chance to go to college tuition-free will help everyone in our country.
Should college be free? In “The Problem is That Free College Isn't Free,” Andrew P. Kelly argues that free college would cost more for the American taxpayer. On the other hand, in “Tennessee Is Showing How Free Tuition Community College Works,” Celeste Carruthers states having free college will give more incentive for students to go to college. It will also encourage them to try community college first. Although free college sounds great at first, it would be more practical to have programs for people who cannot simply afford it. College tuition shouldn’t be the American taxpayers’ responsibility.
How could it possibly be squeezed into the government’s budget? Do they have a secret fund for things like this, or would taxes increase to cover the costs? Free college is now brought up as a debate whether or not students should receive free college tuition while attending college. Some individuals would like this idea, but I am definite the taxpayers would not like it or support it. If the government cannot afford what they are in debt with now, I am quiet uncertain how adding free college would help the debt go down. I am sure that the government would find some way to get their money back from allowing free tuition, or twice the amount the payed by increasing taxes on everything from taxpayers to sales tax. Although it would be extremely pleasant to have free tuition, the tax increase would most likely hurt the taxpayers worse than paying college tuition. I am very much so against providing free college to everyone that graduates high school. Free college would be setting the government up to continue in recession. My biggest concern about offering free college, is how the students who already have student loans be forgiven for the loan amount and have free tuition and debt free as everyone else would be. While more people would have reliable jobs, college should not be free to society because the government budget could not stretch to allow it, more people would take advantage of college because it is free, and taxes would raise on the population.
Why are not more people going to college? One obvious answer would be cost, especially the cost of tuition. But the problem is not just that college is expensive. It is also that going to college is complicated. Free college is not just about cultural and social, neither economic. It means navigating advanced courses, standardized tests, and forms. It means figuring out implicit rules-rules that can change. College graduates have higher employment rates, bigger salaries, and more work benefits than high school graduates. College graduates also have better life, live longer, interpersonal skills, have healthier children, and proven their ability to achieve a major milestone.
I personally don't think that college should be free. Students who pay for their college are more motivated, hard working and independent. Many students would have poor motivation to finish school, because they can always come back. As a matter of fact students with ambitions to get university degree are learning much harder in high school than other, who thinks they don’t need an extra paper. There are many students that are so smart, and they will find the way to get money for school. With extra work and help from family students will be able to afford college tuitions. Students need to depend on themselves; otherwise every taxpayer will have to cover their education expenses. There are several reasons why
“"Free" is a word with a powerful appeal. And right now it 's being tossed around a lot, followed by another word: "college."” (Kamenetz).The debate surrounding free community college for all is becoming rather controversial. Since there has been no law set in place federally some states are taking aim. Washington has a scholarship program called “Washington Promise” that supports what this act is all for. As the world continues to flatten, it seems the only way to compete in the globalized economy is by higher education. Even though the funding is large, the first two years of community college should be free to all. The Washington Promise, a scholarship program in place to provide scholarships to high school seniors who graduate from a Washington high school, is a way to help students in the Yakima Valley attend college and graduate with an A.A degree which helps stress the importance of liberal arts, and help decrease what Thomas Freidman, the author of The World is Flat, calls the education gap at the bottom.
As many young millennials rally behind Bernie Sanders and his outlandish claims of free public college for all, others sigh and shake their heads in disapproval. Are these college students really entitled to free higher education? Is it every American’s unalienable right to have a college education? Despite the recent push for free college in the United States, the economic burden and drop in personal responsibility it would create proves that colleges should maintain their current tuitions.
Why don’t all colleges make free tuition option for low income students? Some colleges are expensive, but they have a free tuition option. Some people say that if colleges are free, colleges will end up bankrupt. Others say that is not true because they earn money from different angles, such as from the state government, federal government, nonprofit organizations and other governmental and non governmental institutions. A well educated society can change the world. So everyone has to be responsible, especially owners or governors of higher education institutions. They have to be responsible for providing equal education for all students who are able to pay or not. Danielle Douglas-Gabriel, in “What these colleges are doing on tuition is better
The government would have to spend 62.6 billion dollars annually in order to make public college tuition free. A recent movement to federally mandate college funding has struck the interest of the lower, impoverished members of society. However, if college tuition were free it would be unfair, unregulated, and cost-ineffective in the long run. What does free really mean? Does it include just tuition, or room, board and books? Also, would it be completely free? Someone has to pay something somewhere down the line. There is no way to make college completely free. It would be average tax payers that will end up paying. America is already 18 trillion dollars in debt. Just imagine how much more it would be if college was free. College should not be free because it effects the entire country, lowers the value of a college degree, and despite what some may think, does not make it more equal.
Should the cost of earning a college degree be free? Some students,parents, and educators say that it is morally wrong for a child to spend their entire life going to public school for free and having them to just turn around and pay for college. The students, parents, and educators all would agree that the cost of obtaining a college degree should indeed be free. Those who are against this issue believe that the students themselves or their parents who are financially able should pay for some or all of the expense of attending college after all public school students are given a free ride from elementary to high school. Understanding and considering both sides of the issue, I strongly stand by the decision stating that the cost of attending college should be free.
good career if college was free.The recent studies of tuition increases have proven that it is obvious college should be free.
We pay a price for everything we get or take in this world. Although ambitions are well worth having, they are not to be cheaply won. Every day is an opportunity to make your life the way you want it to be. Anything is possible when you work towards it one day at a time. Skip a day and you lose momentum. Try to do it all at once and you will burn out. Work steadily and consistently to make every day count and you will reach your goals. Soon, with consistent effort, those little bits add up to major accomplishments. Is there something you want to change? Today is the day to start changing. Is there a new customer you want to land? Today is the day to start making it happen. You control today and you can control your