
Should Everyone Get a Flu Shot?

Decent Essays


"Civilisation, the orderly world in which we live, is frail. We are skating on thin ice. There is a fear of a collective disaster. Terrorism, genocide, flu, tsunamis." Many people live in fear of the universally unimportant. We worry about the opinions of others, what we 're going to wear that day, if you'll get to work on time, etc. Very little time is put into thinking about the real threats all around us like disease or natural disasters, things we can't control. But there are ways we can prevent things like these, and one of them is by getting a flu shot. But there are ways we can prevent things like these, and one of them is by getting a flu shot. Even though people should be able to decide to get the flu shot on their own, I think we all should because there is alot of research going into vaccines and they spend months studying these viruses.

One large reason to geth the flu shot is the fact that the Center of Disease control reccomends that everyone get a flu shot. Their statement on this issue is that, "Health experts now recommend that everyone 6 months of age and older get vaccinated against influenza." Just knowing that the Center of Disease Control agrees should make it easier for everyone to want to get a flue shot. To say that getting a flu shot is unhealthy is simply ignoring the facts. Some more examples of the benefits of the Flu shot are,

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