At a young age kids are highly hyperactive and need to lose it. So why not sign them up to play a sport that they would like and enjoy playing instead of having them watching TV all day? Should kids play sports at a young age? All competitive sports are fun and teach kids to work together as a team and learn how to play. Additionally they will learn how to play by the rules. Most of all they will have fun on the field and might even take what they learned to later use in their personal life. Yes, kids should play sports for positive health, boost in confidence, and self-esteem.
At a young age kids are highly hyperactive and need to lose it. So why not sign them up to play a sport that they would like and enjoy playing instead of having them watching TV all day? Should kids play sports at a young age? All competitive sports are fun and teach kids to work together as a team and learn how to play. Additionally they will learn how to play by the rules. Most of all they will have fun on
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Children can see their improvements when they play against other teams .Winning games and moving to higher levels of competition permit children to sense their personal progress. When children play with other children their value of their self will increase because they are part of a team with similar goals. When children are part of a team it allows them to make friends and that allows them to boost their confidence as well.
Lastly children can release their stress in practices and games. A child can release their stress or forget what is bothering them by playing a sport. Playing a sport will draw their attention to the activity rather than on what is bothering them . By running, children can release all their negative anxiety and tension which helps them relax and do better in school because they would be getting rid of bad energy. In addition it would also help them get a good's night sleep so they can be well rested for
There are tons of sports for kids to play and finding the right one can have a huge boost on children's overall wellbeing. Not every kid was made to play football or baseball. Dont force a child into a sport they aren't very interested in. Recognize what your child is interested in “There's something for everyone — from soccer and baseball for team-oriented kids, to tennis, fencing, karate, dancing, and swimming for kids who'd rather go solo” (Signing Kids Up) there's a sport out there for every kid so finding the right one is important. Playing sports around the house can be a great way to introduce lots of different sports into a child's life. When kids are just having fun with a sport not involved with a league just with their parents and
Kids learn to push through tough times, like losing a game for example. They are able to deal with their problems in a respectful manner and learn from their mistakes in a game and apply it to real
Yes, kids should play sports because it gets them out the house more. For example, it keeps them from being lazy, it makes
Firstly, sports are good for children because they improve children’s health, both mentally and physically. While this has been known for
It is important for children to be involved in sport because active participation helps children develop skills. Research shows that there are many physical benefits to youth sport. Some of the developments that a child can make from participation in sport are agility, coordination, endurance, flexibility, speed, and strength (Taskforce, 2013). The research from “Maximizing the Benefits of Youth Sport” says that there are more specific developments that children develop from sport. The specific developments include: enhanced functioning and health of cardiorespiratory and muscular systems, improved flexibility, mobility, and coordination, increased
Most parents want their children to be the best they can be; youth sports allow this to happen. Youth sports teach kids important things that they wouldn't be taught in the classroom and most likely won't be taught at home. The teachings in sports are far greater than just how to catch or shoot a ball. Sports teach children how to become great human beings on and off the court or field. Youth sports teach children how to become skilled and passionate adults and how to overcome adversity. I believe that children should play sports all through their youth because it will help decrease childhood obesity, increase social skills, teach character skills, learn that not everyone is a winner, and keep the child out of trouble.
Those who play any type of sport in their childhood are known to have a higher confidence level. Confidence is something that some kids and teenagers struggle with while growing up. They struggle with who they are and their purpose. Playing a sport can give a child a sense of accomplishment. They can set a goal and then beating that goal they gain accomplishment. Setting
In the article,” Sports: The Benefits of Competitive Sports in Today’s Sports Climate,” it states,” Participating in sports gives athletes the ability to develop tight and lasting friendships with others who have common interests.” In other words, this states that if children play sports they can make long lasting friends. Children can also learn how to better work together with others. Working together is a vital part of sports. In the article it states,” Working toward a common goal is an integral part of the sports experience for athletes. It is through this experience that some grow into leaders and others into strong supporters, both of which a team will need to be successful. Finding one’s role on a team is similar to finding one’s niche in life…” In other words, playing spots allows people to gain experience in life because working together and finding one’s role on a team is similar to finding your role in life. In conclusion, sports are positive for children because they can build
Staying fit in your life is pretty important. In the article Women’s and Children's Hospital University of Minnesota Health care it says, “Physical exercise is good for mind, body and spirit.” .For kids to do sports at an early age, is helping them when they are young and keeping them physically fit, and every parents would want to keep their kids fit.Kirk Mango, a book writer and former gymnast says claims, “In a society where obesity has become a major health issue the physical fitness advantages simply cannot be denied.” . Since society is becoming less and less physically fit it is a big benefit for a kid to be doing sports and being fit.Also in the article Get Off that Couch and Play it says, “ In a nation with an obesity epidemic and a rate of diabetes that continues to grow, physical activity is becoming more and more important.” .Physical activity can help prevent kids of diabetes, and since it is growing constantly if kids would do sports it would decrease the growing
First of all, sports could make kids healthy. According to the article “Sports Activity and Children” by The Aspen Institute stated, “A wide-ranging study and analysis of existing research found that free-time physical activity is associated with reduced risk of 13 different types of cancer. (National Institutes of Health, 2016).” In fact, even do that there is a lot of kids that have cancer, sports could help make sure you don’t even get cancer. Also, the text also says, “Adolescents who play sports are eight times as likely to be active at age 24 as adolescents who do not play sports (Sports Participation as Predictors of Participation in Sports and Physical Fitness Activities in Young Adulthood, Perkins, 2004).” Although, when you get older, you get kinda lazy when you grow up, sports could help your body in the future. Even though that when kids get very old,
It is important for adolescents to stay active at a young age for the sake of their physical health! I believe putting your child in some kind of sport during their childhood can teach them sportsmanship, manners, respect, team work and much more!
However, many children do not run like they should which causes the rate of obesity to rise. According to the American Heart Association, about one out of three American teens and children are overweight because of lack of exercise. Playing a sport could really help improve a growing child's health.
It’s important for a child to understand the positive impacts of competition despite a loss in a game. Adults go through competition everyday, from getting a job after a successful interview or missing it from an unsuccessful interview to promotion because of work well done or demotion at work. The basics of competition taught early helps a child succeed later in life. Team Sport equips a child to cope with competition in a friendly environment. Achieving a goal by being part of a team will help a child gain healthy competitive skills that they can use for the rest of their lives. Sports also help a child cope well with both a loss and a win as part of life. Learning to positively handle both the winning and losing side of playing a sport combined with good sportsmanship is a characteristic that carries over from childhood to
Sports may not be all that good for children. Some people might say that sports can cause injury, children won’t get a chance to play if they are not very good, or children may be made fun of for lacking skill in that particular sport. I believe that participating in sports has a much more positive impact on children. Sports can help children’s health approve, help them develop new friends, and can help improve the children’s self confidence.
The first reason why kids should play sports younger then 12 is because children’s injuries, “children ages 5-12 account for nearly 40 present of all sports related injuries treated in hospitals”(Higgins). “On average the rate of injuries increases with a child’s age. Injuries associated with participation in sports and recreational activities account for 21% of all traumatic brain injuries among children in the United States” (Huggins). Most kids like to do what they want when they want. That’s not okay, their parents need to be on top of that and make sure their children are okay. As kids go on to play sports at a higher age they need to take care of their body’s and not let them get weak and not want to try anymore. “Among athletes ages 5-12, 28 percent of football players, 25 precent of baseball players,