
Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

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The legalization of marijuana has achieved national attention within the last few years. Twenty-five states and the District Of Colombia have decriminalized marijuana but only 4 have legalized it strictly for recreational purposes. It has been an increasingly popular idea to legalize it across the U.S, but this new trend should not continue. Marijuana consists of very helpful benefits towards medical issues such as HIV, AIDS, and seizures. However, this drug should never emerge to legalization because it causes short-term affects on the users health and specifically the brain. It causes long-term affects including a negative correlation between smoking marijuana and ones income and learning capabilities. It causes dependency to people who smoke it especially before the age of 18. And, it does in fact show signs of a “gate way” drug for a significant amount of people. Citizens should not easily obtain this drug, especially younger kids. This drug should not meet legalization for these reasons stated; however the medical benefits should continue to help with serious health issues. One short-term affect from smoking marijuana is memory loss. The drug does not eliminate memories permanently, but it can affect one’s ability to make new memories. It has shown in studies, when someone is given a list of words to remember, they remembered less if they had smoked a joint before the test. Whereas, when the individual doesn’t smoke before, they achieved better results. Another

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