
Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

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Legalize Marijuana

Marijuana should be legalized! Well, at least, medically speaking. Marijuana besides giving you the munchies, it also has a lot of health benefits. Now, I have not just saying this because I want to legally use marijuana for a high. Truth be told I have never tried marijuana and probably would never. I want to be in control of myself and want to feel like I have control of what goes on around me. The only reason I would use marijuana is if I had a serious health reason. Legalizing marijuana will save taxpayers’ money. By making it legal we will save the money of trying to hunt these “criminals” down and sentencing them, when they are just using it to feel normal again. I think this is sad. It shouldn’t be so hard for them. The taxpayers could be using that money for something more worthwhile such as hunting drug dealers of harder substances or giving more funding to schools and nursing homes. I read somewhere we spend over $500,000 a year on just catching and sentencing these people. On other drugs we only spend about $50,000.
Marijuana can help patients with physical illnesses such as cancer, HIV, and AIDS, by reducing or relieving pain. Here is a study I found interesting that sheds some insight on the subject of marijuana and pain relief. “Abrams and his colleagues studied 21 chronic pain patients in the inpatient Clinical and Transitional Science Institute’s Clinical Research Center at SFGH: 10 on sustained-release morphine and 11 on

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