
Should Recess Be Longer Than 15 Minutes?

Decent Essays

The whistle shrieked through the air three times, signaling the end of recess right at fifteen minutes, as everyone begins to get cold. Another couple minutes and everyone would be cold and wanting to go back inside. I think recess should not be more than 15 minutes because the most bullying happens at recess, the longer the recess the shorter the school day, and because it decreases focus.
One reason recess should be no longer than 15 minutes is because the most bullying happens at recess. For example, one study shows that about 160,000 kids in the United States miss school each day because of bullying. With more recess, that number would increase because it would give bullies more time to circle their prey, like sharks waiting to attack and go in for the kill. Also more bullies would be made. With more time for bullies to get others to join their league, the school would swim together from one angle but from another black fish would be popping up, circling …show more content…

For instance, after 15 minutes of running around it is hard to get kids to calm down, so imagine trying to get a class of kindergarteners to calm down after 30 minutes of chasing one another around, it would take even more time out of our school day. Also, if recess was longer kids would spend more time thinking about what to do at recess. They would spend the day thinking, play tag or soccer? Swing or do gymnastics? Addition, with their minds elsewhere, they wouldn’t pay attention in class. The teacher would be talking, but all the while, kids would be debating up in the clouds who to play with, what do, and who to avoid.. They would get behind in class and the teacher wouldn’t recognize that it was just from their students lack of effort. “I disprove of recess in every way shape and form. My students heads fly up to the clouds and don’t come down again until they hear the dismissal bell.”

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