
Should the United States Make English the Official language?

Decent Essays

According to the 2011 census, over 20.8 percent of the United States population spoke another language other than English ( Language barriers, cultural differences, and immigration have been a part of life in the United States for decades. Language is considered a vital tool in the construction of someone’s identity and an expression of culture. In the last 200 years immigrants have chosen to make the United States their home, but some proceeded with caution by slowly adapting to the English language and culture.

If a country doesn’t have an official language is usually due to distinct historical or cultural reasons. As I began reading articles on this topic, I was amazed that the great country I live in doesn’t have …show more content…

According to research, over 322 languages are spoken in the United States as of 2014 ( In James Crawford article, he stated that one in seven US residents speak another language other than English, which shows that bilingualism is on a rise (1). Many immigrant households are bilingual because the children of immigrants grow up speaking their parent’s native language at home and English at school or other places. This normally means the parents most like migrated to the United States during their adult years and don’t really become fluent in English. As an adult immigrant, it is probably much harder to learn the language well. So, I can’t say that they don’t want to learn, but regardless of whether an immigrant is a first, second, or third generation, it would benefit to learn the English language. One way we teach English to immigrants is through our education system. There are many resources that immigrants have to education that “American Dream” of a great education, but sometimes it frustrates me that our education system is being overly accommodating to immigrants education. We are using a lot of resources and money. Our schools are supposed to prepare students to be successful in the world and support them as they use the skills that they are taught, but if schools are producing graduates who don’t have a thorough grasp of the English language, the schools

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