
Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory

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Has it ever occurred to you the possible explanations of why you act the way you do, make decisions the way you do, or how you have formed the habits you possess? Psychoanalytic theory is a theory based off the study of the mind and its behaviors; founded by a very well known psychologist named Sigmund Freud. This theory of personality development guides the structure of psychoanalysis, which is a set of theories and techniques to help underline, and even help solve, different types of mental disorders. Sigmund Freud’s new psychological theory was certainly not excepted by many at the time it was announced to the public; however, it became very influential during the twentieth and twenty first century. This essay will go in depth about what exactly Psychoanalytic Theory is, more about the psychologist Sigmund Freud, and how this theory is relevant today. Psychology was one of my most favorable courses I have taken during college, so it was not difficult deciding between the theories for this report. Learning about how and why our brains work the way they do has always been very interesting to me. One of the most interesting facts I have learned from this theory was that our unconscious mind is actually the most influential factor to shaping our personalities. Unconscious meaning all of our thoughts, memories, feelings, and so on that are outside our conscious awareness. The thoughts, emotions, and urges that develop in our brain without us even knowing, and have a huge role on how we act and behave the way we do. For this theory Sigmund Freud specifically studied early childhood stages called the psychosexual development. Children through out these stages are focused on the pleasure principle, which is the idea that all needs should be nurtured immediately in order to be completely content. Sheri Jacobson in her article Sigmund Freud and His Main Theories explains how “Successful completion of these stages, Freud argued, led to the development of a healthy personality, but fixation at any stage prevents completion and therefore the development of an unhealthy, fixated personality as an adult”. Each stage has an age, focus of libido, development, and then adult fixation. Libido is our natural source of energy

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