
Significant Connection

Decent Essays

What is a significant connection that emerges as you think about your Pathway theme and courses you completed for your Pathway (and, if relevant, courses in your major)? A significant connection that emerged between the melding of the unique pathway courses and the pathway itself was the importance of harnessing innovation in a sustainable manner, not only a profit maximizing one. Each individual course built upon one another, providing me with a deeper understanding of this theme. In Economics 1, an introductory class into economics, I learned about all of the basic costs, profits and shifts in market conditions that often come with innovation. However, a key component that I had not expected was the focus on positive and negative externalities. …show more content…

An issue that is increasingly relevant as human beings continue to progress into the future is the need to protect the environment with new sustainable, efficient innovation. Although the three other relevant courses also represented this theme is certain areas, the class that stood out was my critical thinking & writing II class. My final project was focused on researching and proposing radical and pioneering efforts in both the transportation industry and city design. The major theme that I decided to focus on as the backbone of my discussion was the prospect of self-driving cars and the several ways they would revolutionize our pursuit of sustainability. For one, computer-controlled cars would obviously be less prone to accidents, which limits wasted building material. They would also greatly decrease both the overall amount of traffic as well as the time that the average person spends on the road by eliminating human error from transportation. This would greatly reduce the environmental damage as well as the extra energy wasted while stuck in the daily grind of commuting, an example being a line of cars is stopped at a light. The last in line is forced to wait even after they see the flash of green on account of the delayed reactions from all of those in front. With computers in charge, however, once the …show more content…

These four courses provided me with insights into the process of technological improvement and implementation that had previously either not crossed my mind or I had disregarded as unimportant, especially in regards to the sustainable methods of doing so. The focus that was placed on not only innovative processes but also sustainable invention and the implementation of them in the developing world caused me to reexamine and update my thoughts on the importance of the environment and on those less fortunate than myself. What I learned in my pathway has perfectly complemented what I am learning in my economic development class this quarter and allowed me to offer insight into how innovation can be used to fuel growth and development in these often impoverished areas. In the class we have discussed in great lengths the impact that the implementation of improved processes can have on a developing economy, a theme that is reflected in this pathway. In the broader sense, this pathway has provided me with a new viewpoint of the world around me. I now see just how vital new products and processes have been to the advancement of our standard of living. I now plan on attempting to produce some innovative products in my personal future, with the pool of knowledge created in these pathway courses to draw upon for guidance. I now feel confident in my

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