
Silver Lining Playbook: Course Analysis

Decent Essays

The most profound insight I gained from taking this course is to make sure you always express how you feel towards somebody. It is not good to hold your feelings and emotions inside. As I watched the movies and films that the teacher provided, the film,"The Arts in Medicine" clarified how conveying everything that needs to be conveyed by drawing, painting, and tuning into music helps people’s social qualities. This emerged to me because the works of art drive people to love each other and cure their bitterness/push. In the movie Silver Lining Playbook, dancing connects with music which is an artform and throughout the movie, dancing seemed to cure the illness of Pat and Tiffany. Dancing and expressing themselves led them to become a happy couple and live their lives happy and healthy. Also, moving and dancing keeps the mind sharp because moving as we age enhances subjective …show more content…

For the call to action, I want to be the person who is always there for my family and bestfriends when they are going through struggles mentally. Currently, my best friend named Dante is going through a lot of stress because he didn’t receive a full ride scholarship for football out of highschool so he had to play football at a Junior College. I am always the one to keep him up and motivate him to work towards his goal. From now on, I learned ways and strategies to help cure mental stress and anger from this course. I can tell my friend to produce artwork and listen to music to help him release his stress. His parents are very tough on him, and constantly disciplining a kid over and over again is very redundant. If my parents or anybody in my family starts to deal with emotional or mental stress, I will for sure be the one to help them. I will relay the information that I consumed from this course to my family members so they can stay mentally

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