The most profound insight I gained from taking this course is to make sure you always express how you feel towards somebody. It is not good to hold your feelings and emotions inside. As I watched the movies and films that the teacher provided, the film,"The Arts in Medicine" clarified how conveying everything that needs to be conveyed by drawing, painting, and tuning into music helps people’s social qualities. This emerged to me because the works of art drive people to love each other and cure their bitterness/push. In the movie Silver Lining Playbook, dancing connects with music which is an artform and throughout the movie, dancing seemed to cure the illness of Pat and Tiffany. Dancing and expressing themselves led them to become a happy couple and live their lives happy and healthy. Also, moving and dancing keeps the mind sharp because moving as we age enhances subjective …show more content…
For the call to action, I want to be the person who is always there for my family and bestfriends when they are going through struggles mentally. Currently, my best friend named Dante is going through a lot of stress because he didn’t receive a full ride scholarship for football out of highschool so he had to play football at a Junior College. I am always the one to keep him up and motivate him to work towards his goal. From now on, I learned ways and strategies to help cure mental stress and anger from this course. I can tell my friend to produce artwork and listen to music to help him release his stress. His parents are very tough on him, and constantly disciplining a kid over and over again is very redundant. If my parents or anybody in my family starts to deal with emotional or mental stress, I will for sure be the one to help them. I will relay the information that I consumed from this course to my family members so they can stay mentally
Another point that I found important to internalize was on reading comprehension. As discussed in the video, understanding vocabulary does not mean that students will comprehend what is being read.
Being in this class gave me insight on the way that I learn. I’ve had my share of jobs along with schooling and various other learning experiences. Some good, some bad but I can honestly say that I never noticed the pattern on how I learn. Now I know I learn more by being more of a hands on person. Also utilizing my thinking and problem solving skills has helped with my growth. I also found it important to use my reflective observation too. Mostly combining different learning styles have helped me in life to understand the way I learn and the benefits that could come if I use my strengths to further my ambitions.
This class experience has enhanced my understanding of the art world and how visuals play a major role in expressing certain ideals. The way certain artists portray their art is caused by many different techniques. It’s amazing to see my progression through out from week to week through my discussion boards. I even learned something the very first week of class, in the Abbott reflection I stated, “A big theme in this photograph is the use of lines. As we have studied in class lines add a lot of meaning and can be used interchangeably. Also, I like how the
While I was able to apply almost every concept from the course to some aspect of my own life, I believe that the most important thing was learning to recognize just how much privilege I have experienced. At the very beginning of the quarter, Professor Roy used the example of the fish not being aware that it lives in water. I think that translates perfectly to my experience – as it should for many of us taking this class. While I recognized the privilege of having basic needs like food and shelter taken care of, other things like my race, gender and education really hadn’t resonated with me until I took this course.
“Conquering the Freshman Fear of Failure,” by David L. Kirp, main idea id that every student starts college with the overwhelming feeling that they have to succeed. “This fear of failing hits poor, minority, and first generation college students especially hard. (pg.1 p.3)” I am the first person in my family to go to college in my family, and I am so driven to make them proud, and make every cent they are paying worth it. The idea of succeeding means so much to me that I would become devastated if I got even a “C” on an exam. I pressure myself to become an example to my brother and sister, so one day they will have the influence and courage to become something great in the life. I am trying to reach for the stars, but my biggest fear is my
Reflect on what you have learned in this course and discuss how it might influence your work as a professional
Students would learn about their own display of emotions and that of others- learning through the arts.
By having art programs in schools students gain skills such as, problem solving, critical and creative thinking, integration of multiple skill sets, and working with others. Qualities such as these are very necessary for creating exemplary students. Arts have already proven to help with many long standing problems but critical thinking is needed for jobs in the outside world. “ … Creating art supports problem-solving, creative thought and critique like no other discipline.” ( Schoales,2) By participating in artistic classes students gain discipline that most classes fail to teach. These valuable lessons learned from art can’t be found anywhere
It is very easy for people to get lost in their work, school, and personal life. Being driven and working hard is a tremendous characteristic to have, but sometimes people forget to connect with themselves. I believe it is important to be connected with yourself and set aside time for self-reflection. This class has allowed me to have that time to connect with myself, learn my strengths, and to know who I am by taking the JUNG test and DISC assessment.
I think that this skill is truly one that will help me throughout life and not just in a classroom. Another thing that this class has taught me is to not take things or people at surface value. Throughout this course we challenged one another to think deeper and harder about what we believe so that we might know why we truly believe it. When discussing The Big Question we often had discussions about things that at the surface might seem simple; however, when you look at the ideology at its core it was quite profound. This class truly taught me many great things about learning and having intellectual conversations, but one thing that this course has helped me more than anything else is to give me some amazing friends. There is just something about being in a classroom for three hours a week with the same twenty people, you just get to know them and they get to know you. I have made some great friendships in this class and I love getting to see these people around
Looking back on this course and everything that we have covered there are many portions of the course and material that stands out to me. Starting with learned helplessness internal locus control and learned effectiveness with external locus control. This will stick with me forever because it was the first time I have heard of this before and it made sense to me. I am also going to remember the story of Arthur and his determination that was a powerful video as well. I learned that learned helplessness and internal locus control involves us being a victim of circumstance.
As of 2015, over 50,000 New York City students are trapped in failing schools where less than 1 in 10 were proficient in core subjects (New York Daily News). We can all agree that this is absurd, and action needs to be taken instantly. If I were given financial support to make a difference, I would establish a foundation dedicated to making a difference in education.
While registering for the semester I noticed this course and thought it would be very beneficial for both my personal and professional lives. I felt I was in need of learning new techniques and regimes to reduce stress, increase productivity, and learn to efficiently and effectively relax in order to improve my communication. I mean who wouldn’t want to learn how to relax and receive credit hours at the same time. With that being said I immediately signed up, and for once I was excited opposed to being nervous of the unexpected like I was for previous courses I have taken. Another perk to this class was seeing that Professor Mantel was the instructor. I had taken one of her workshop previously (Humor in Communication), and not only did I learn several beneficial ways to communicate through humor, but the workshop was very interesting and entertaining.
In summary, this course has really educated my view of being a teacher as well as being able to interact with today’s diverse and fluctuating educational setting. Therefore, the discussions were very good ways in understanding how
Throughout the course I have learned about the key elements for the art forms of dance, visual art, music, and drama. I think the introduction piece of the course with the power points was very helpful for me to get the basic ideas in my mind for each art form. Then I like how we practice or explored each elements as a class. I think the end product of the groups creating work-shop lessons helped me tie in the aspects of that art form.