
Similarities And Differences Between Cats And Dogs

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Dogs are considered to be a family friendly and more energetic than cats. Dogs are more of a common pet that most people have. Whereas cats are considered to be a quiet indoor pets and not as active as dogs. Both cats and dogs are loyal and protective of their owners. Although cats and dogs have many differences, they have their similarities as well.
Cats are different than dogs in many ways. One example is the way they are trained, some cats can be trained to use the bathroom. In the Huffpost article “10 Differences Between Cats and Dogs,” it explains that, training “most cats are difficult if not impossible to train to respond to directives” (Huffpost). Another example is that cats are non-social animals. Cats are not good with meeting other cats since they are mostly indoor pets. In the article it states, “Cats are solitary by comparison and their primary attachment (when forced to choose) is to their territory rather than other two- or four-legged animals” (Huffpost). Another difference between cats and dogs is how they digest their food. “Your cat will digest and metabolize certain medications differently than your dog, or even you, would, which makes certain medications toxic to cats that are perfectly safe for you and your canine counterpart” (Banfield.Com). Some of the medications that we take cats can take, but can be harmful to dogs. For example, cats and humans can take ibuprofen where dogs cannot be able to process this medication.
Dogs are different than

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