
Similarities Between Glorious Revolution And American Revolution

Good Essays

Alvin Ning
Mr. Zabrowski
U.S History
May 3, 2015
Glorious Revolution and American Revolution

Each revolution is an innovation , whether it is bloody or not. British did well in revolution, so did America, though they happened in a different era. However, because British had achieved the accomplishment successfully, such as ended the monarchy peacefully and distributed the rights to the parliament. It set an example for other countries and this impacted them drastically. The documents; the reason why they rebelled; the legacy they left are so similar that people generally consider the Glorious Revolution as the forerunner of the America Revolution.
The Glorious Revolution, which happened in 1688 in England, navigated a new style of revolution …show more content…

The English had rebelled against the monarchy so why shouldn't the American colonies. Even if the colonists were proud to be British; they were far away from the Great Britain,which means they could follow their own minds to do whatever they wanted. As an old proverb says:“Far water does not put out near fire. ”,the Great Britain located too far from the American colonies that they can only let them pay the taxes rather than help them out on some …show more content…

700 British troops march into Lexington. The British met only 77 minutemen, and at first were pleased to allow them to leave. Suddenly, from some unknown place a shot was fired, and the British opened up on the Americans. A cloud of musket smoke soon covered the green. When the brief Battle of Lexington ended, eight Americans were dead and 10 others were wounded. Only one British soldier was injured, but the American Revolution had begun. At this point it was obvious to see that the British had a bigger and better army, and the American only had the militia. However, at Concord, the militia used a tactic called guerrilla. Guerrilla was a kind of tactic that utilized the geography feature to have advantage during the battles. Militias just shot enemies randomly and then they hid, so that the British troops were really confused about where their enemies were. This time the American militias were prepared, with this tactic, the Americans routed the British all the way back to Boston. There were nearly 300 British casualties, including 73 dead and 23 missing. The Americans suffered less than

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