
Similarities Between Jackson And Thomas Jefferson

Decent Essays

Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States and shortly after taking office it became evident just how different he was from the other six presidents before him. According to Watson (2006) “the seventh President never saw himself as an innovator, but as the restorer of an earlier standard of political service and integrity” (p.9). Nevertheless, Jackson lacked education, he was not from one of the old, and he wasn’t from one of the well-established American families. Unlike prior presidents that rarely spoke a language that the people could understand, Jackson “addressed the issues that concerned his constituents in terms they could readily understand” (Watson, 2006, p.9). Jackson was also a president that was more for the people, rather than the aristocracy government that ruled prior to him. He believed that the way to preserve the republic was by allowing the majority to be heard. He paid more attention to individuals like independent farmers, who he believed profited the least. …show more content…

In comparison, Jackson was more comparable to Jefferson in terms of his ideologies and views on specific issues. Both presidents opposed the Bank of the United States but only Jackson chose to do anything about it. Both former presidents had a negative attitude toward the Native American people and viewed them as not equal. Another similarity among Jackson, Jefferson and other presidents were their view on slavery. Each of the first seven presidents were slave owners and had no thoughts on ending slavery. All first seven presidents understood the importance of owning slaves and the link between slavery and

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