
Similarities Between Tom And Gatsby

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While Tom and Gatsby shares the same goal of having Daisy as a wife and also share a common interest in cars, they have different motivates and values. They both love Daisy but they love her for different reasons. Tom just loves Daisy because he wants to better than everyone and one-way he can do that is having Daisy as his wife. On the other hand Gatsby loves Daisy because he wants to spend his life with her and wants to have a family with her. Even though Tom and Gatsby has the same goal but for different reasons it is the same with their interest.
Though Tom has daisy as his wife, he does spend his time trying to show her his love. Instead, his interests are self-centered he doesn’t really care if Daisy actually likes him or not he just wants to the best out of anyone. For example, he wants to the best at all the sports he plays. He also has affairs with other women because of his selfishness. In contrast Gatsby interest are selfless because he only does things to attract or impress Daisy. Gatsby throws big parties at his house so maybe Daisy will come to one of them and he can impress her. Gatsby only has his eye on one girl and does not go around fluttering with other women because he knows that Daisy would not be attract to him if he did that. A common interest they have is that they both like costume cars and they like to show their money …show more content…

Tom’s motivation is that he wants to be known as the best athlete. The reason for this is because of he selfishness, he wants to have bragging rights and wants all of the attention. On the other hand, Gatsby motivation is Daisy’s happiness, which shows his pure love. Gatsby would not want anything else in the world beside Daisy’s happiness and for her to love him as much as he loves her. He goes through a lot of trouble to try to make Daisy happy but in the end he can’t help her find her happiness. Just like their motivation, they do not share the same

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