
Simple Epithelial Tissues

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Epithelial Tissue:
Epithelial tissues line and cover the organs, capillaries and body cavities within the body. Epithelial tissues can be broken down into four types: Simple Squamous, Simple Cuboidal, Transitional and Stratified Squamous. Epithelial tissues are named first by their amount of layers they have, and second by the cell shape.
Simple Epithelial tissues are composed of only one layer of cells, while stratified tissues are composed of more than one layer of cells. Squamous tissues are flat as compared to cuboidal or cube shaped tissues. The final tissue is called columnar, and these cells have a column like shape.
Simple Squamous:
Simple squamous tissues are composed of one flat layer of cells. Simple squamous cells line air sacs, kidneys and …show more content…

Epithelial tissue can be broken down into four types of tissues: simple squamous, simple cuboidal, transitional and stratifies squamous. While these tissues differ in structure, they work together to complete the main function of protecting the organs of the body. Connective tissue supports, insulates, and stores energy for the body. Theses tissues can be broken into four types of tissues: adipose, hyaline cartilage, areolar and bone. These four tissues collaborate to ensure the proper protection, insulation and energy storage for the organs, bones and muscles of the human body. Muscle tissue provides the body with movement through the contraction and relaxation of muscles. These tissues can be further divided into three types of tissues: smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, and cardiac muscle. Each type of muscle provides movement for the different parts of the body, including the heart, muscles, bones and the movement of food and liquids in the digestive tract. Finally, the nervous tissue controls the messages that are sent throughout the body and forming the nervous

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