Simulation and demonstration of a chipless RFID tag
Literature Review
Jinkun Liu
Student No. 14002747
Supervisor: Professor Stephen J. Foti
The RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a growing contactless data capture technology and the foundation of Internet of Things. The chipless RFID, as a significant development, has shown a great potential. This literature review aims at providing an overview of the chipless RFID and focuses on a number of practical implementation of chipless RFID tags. A basic background of RFID system will be demonstrated firstly including definition, classification, advantages and some comparisons. A detailed introduction about current chipless RFID technologies will be illustrated. It
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Moreover, RFID tags store more dynamic information that is able to edit at every step in the supply chain. The small size of tags and invisible information guarantee security of identification. In addition, a RFID reader can process multiple tags at same time. However, its drawbacks are also not negligible. The most significant issue is the price of RFID systems. Thus, the relative expensive cost of RFID system limits its universality and makes it hard to be widespread utilization. Therefore, with the growth of technology, the chipless RFID is developed to decrease the cost and simplify the fabrication. Fig.2 Structure of Chipless RFID system [1.4]
As shown in Fig.2, there are no ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) or silicon chips inside the tag. Therefore, the tag should be able to response to interrogation impulse and reprocess the signal. The generalized theory of chipless RFID system is that the antenna motivates the reader area and induces currents on the metallic tags and the induced currents re-radiate the scattered fields back to reader. The response will be re-processed in a specific way through the designed structure, which makes tag recognizable. Normally, a chipless RFID tag is energy-efficient and battery-free because it is not necessary to support digital logic processing and maintain radiation. Thus, harvesting energy from the reader
In its basic form, a typical RFID system has two major components, a reader and tags, as shown in Figure 3.1. These tags are made from a tiny chip, also called an integrated circuit (IC), that is connected to an antenna that can be built into many different kinds of tags including apparel hang tags, labels, and security tags, as well as a wide variety of industrial asset tags. The tag chip contains the product's electronic product code (EPC) and other variable information so that it can be read and tracked by RFID readers anywhere(Impinj 2015).
Passive RFID tag with low frequency range is used for this application, since it is economic. Here we need short ranged and economic tags for better results. LF range RFID is the ideal choice for this constraint.(Sariff, N., Buniyamin N.)
As RFID technology evolves and becomes less expensive, there will be an increase in the number of companies and vendors using the technology. Eventually, new applications will be developed and these systems may even be able to solve common or unique problems associated with business in today’s market.
One potential application of RFID is human and animal implantation. An RFID chip is permanently injected into the skin, such as under the wrist of a person. Currently, this is a very rare practice in humans. In animals, it is frequently used for many scenarios. It is common for pet owners to have chips implanted in their pets to aid in recovery of lost animals. Outside of the home, animal implantation is a very useful tool for tracking livestock.
First and foremost the RFID IC or (Radio Frequency Identification Chip) is a tag, label, or card that can exchange data with the reader using its built in antenna and its IC (Integrated circuit ). There are a numerous amount of different things that helps tie this chip tie together, such as your personal ID, Medical history , bank information, and all of the other information government wants to know about you. The chip is inserted by doctors in one of your hands right between your index finger and you thumb they say it take no longer than thirty seconds to a minute.
Barcoding is governed by Universal Product Code UPC whereas RFID is governed by electronic product codes EPC. In its evolution Barcodes were categorized as 1D, 2D and 3D with increasing capacity to store information like manufacturer, product type, batch number etc. Similarly RFID has Active and Passive tags that are being chosen according to the necessity and level of security. An Auto-ID system implementation to a warehouse or a facility takes into account strategic,
The VeriChip that is implanted into the body is considered to be a passive RFID tag because it doesn’t use or contain batteries and due to that the VeriChip remains inactive until a proprietary scanner activates it. Passive RFID tags, like the VeriChip, boast a number of unique, significant features. Passive RFID tags have longer lifetimes than active RFID tags (with onboard batteries) and the, the estimated lifetime of a VeriChip is over 20 years. The passive RFID tags can only broadcast low-frequency radio waves because of their minimal power. In the VeriChip’s case, it broadcasts on the low-frequency (LF) band between 125 and 134.2 KHz (Fox, 2004). Given the VeriChip’s low power, the tag
RFID Technology is increasingly being used all around us. Common uses include EZ Pass, Speed Pass and chips in pets. According to Technologies: RFID/ What is RFID? Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a generic term that is used to describe a system that transmits the identity (in the form of a unique serial number) of an object or person wirelessly, using radio waves. The three components of an RFID system are (1) the antenna or coil, (2)
RFID (radio frequency identification) is a new technology that threatens to take the place of bar codes in the supply chain world. The technology uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. This innovation can provide many benefits in logistics and may revolutionize the entire industry. But, even though the technology provides many benefits it also has many drawbacks and may not be developed enough to become industry standard. The technology also may not be beneficial or cost effective for every business and will require a total overhaul of businesses infrastructure, which can be extremely costly. Furthermore, both bar codes and RFID technology have many pros and cons, also industry may not be ready to implement RFID into their infrastructure.
A passive RFID tag, more commonly used, is one that is not connected to a power source. These tags rely on the electromagnetic field that is generated by specific RFID tag readers to create enough electrical charge to transmit the stored data in radio waves (Venkateswara, 2011).
Some of the disadvantages of the RFID technology are that it is expensive to install. Small and medium scale enterprises find it costly to use it in their firms and offices. In the case of Harley Davidson, getting products from many different suppliers’ would mean that the tags may have to be installed in liquid and metal products. The problem is that the liquid and metal surfaces tend to reflect the radio waves, which makes the tags unreadable. The tags have to be placed in various alignments and angles for taking proper reading. This is a tedious task when the work involves a large organization like Harley Davidson. Another disadvantage of the technology is that interference has been observed if devices such as forklifts and walkie-talkies are in the vicinity of the distribution centers. The presence of mobile phone towers has been found to interfere with RFID radio waves. Wal-Mart, the retail sector giant, has installed billions of RFID tags in their products throughout the world and they have encountered such problems.
RFID comes as an improvement over the previous technology that is barcode. The barcode technology even though it was very cost effective and
RFID refers to any system that can transmit identification numbers over radio. RFID system is made up of a unique identification number, which is allocated to a specific item, an identity tag which is attached to the item with a chip capable of storing a unique identification number, networked RFID readers and data processing systems that are capable of collecting signals from multiple tags at high speeds and of pre-processing this data, and one or more networked databases that store the product information RFID is a wireless technology, which allows transmission of information without the physical connection. In its most basic form, an RFID system has two components: tags and readers. A tag (transponder) consists of a microchip that stores identification data of the item to which it is attached and an antenna to transmit this data via radio waves. A reader (interrogator) sends out a radio signal and prompts the tag to broadcast the data contained on its chip. The reader then converts the radio waves returned from the tag into digital data and forwards them to a computer system. A reader can scan an area for any tags that are tuned to the same frequency as the reader. The frequency on which the RFID system operates designates the intensity of the radio waves used to transmit information and is a key factor in determining performance levels and applications for the system. Nearly all RFID systems operate
The acronym RFID stands for Radio frequency Identification, which is one of the most prominent technologies being used in the modern lifestyle, which has wide range of applications like enabling physical security in an enterprise, tracking objects/merchandise on a shop floor etc. A general RFID System has a Reader and Tags. The RFID tags are nothing but small sized transponders, which store small amount of data which can be either information about the product that is being tracked or any unique serial number directly fed into it and the information can be read multiple times by the reader . The RFID reader which is a two way trans reciever uses the radio waves which enabling wireless transfer of data between tags and the reader.
The data from RFID chip is stored as blockchain. Blockchain technology is in highlights due to its exclusive feature of decentralization and security. Blockchain is managed as blocks where each block contains the checksum of previous block, thus forming a chain, hence called as “blockchain”. These chains are distributed then in the network which ensures the biggest benefit of no centralization to control data. The chains follow proper order and the hash after encryption of previous block is stored with the current block. This continues for all the blocks in chain.The security provided is such that data is tamperproof and fail-proof due to its encryption technique. A blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records transactions across many