
Singapore Airlines History Traced to Malaysian Airways Essay

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Singapore airline’s History can be traced back to when it was found in 1947 with Malaysian Airlines (known as Malayan Airways). Its first flight linked commenced from Singapore Kallang to various places like Kuala Lampur, Ipoh and Penang. Malaysian federation was formed in 1963 naming the company to Malaysian Airways and further changing it name to Malaysia-Singapore airlines (MSA) in the year 1966. In 1972 the MSA Company was split into two, Singapore airlines and Malaysian airlines system (Renamed as Malaysian Airlines) and thus The Singapore International Airline (SIA) was formed (Star Alliance, 2014).
SIA with their route network has exceeded to 63 Destinations in 35 countries that serves in Asia, Europe, North America, the Middle …show more content…

According to the research SIA has achieved its outstanding performance by implementing a dual approach; Differentiation through their service excellence and Innovation and together with cost leadership in its peer group. According to Michael Porter’s influence suggestion this dual strategy was seemingly unachievable as both the differentiation and cost leadership were mutually exclusive different kind of investment strategies across the value chain (Management, 2014). As a part of International Strategies, In April 2000, the company had joined the star Alliance one of the three major airlines alliance. Although through the other side SIA have been investing in China and India through various strategic alliances with their local organization like the cargo division, airport services and catering (, 2006).
Below table shows Singapore airline’s performance comparatively to its competitors: Source: London Business School BSR Valuable Information of expertise in Technology has been the aspect for SIA’s strategy in enhancing the customer service as well as increasing the efficiency. Effectual use of IT has considerably condensed cost and improved serviced levels, With the business –level strategy approach (Management, 2014). SIA has been able to come up with the premium service to its loyal customers. Singapore airlines chain its dual strategy of cost

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