
Sinusitis Care Plan Essays

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This therapeutic care plan will utilized the “I can treat and prescribe framework” to ensure that appropriate patient treatments are selected using a step by step approach, including assessment integration, drug and/or disease related problems, therapeutic goals, therapeutic alternatives and indications, plan of care and evaluation (OPHCNPP, 2012). By going through each step of this framework, and including or excluding treatment options based on individual patient factors and strong clinical evidence, this clinician will arrive at the most suitable treatment plan for the patient. H.K (32 year old male) presented with persistent facial pain for 7 days. He reported having a headache (6/10 on a pain scale) upon bending forward and …show more content…

For H.K, the oral route of medication administration was most appropriate, the least invasive and the easiest way for an adult to take drugs (Brophy et al, 2011). Advil cold and sinus is not a cytochrome P450 system inhibitor, which is the main (or partial) cause for large differences in the pharmacokinetics of other drugs (Rx Files, 2012, Epocrates, 2013). The patient was not taking borrowed prescriptions, using drugs from previous occurrences of the condition, or experiencing any adverse drug events/reactions to Advil cold and sinus. Also, he was not being double dosed or experiencing therapeutic duplication of drugs belonging to the same pharmaceutical class. H.K had no untreated medical conditions (other than his new acute sinusitis), was not taking drugs prescribed by other clinicians and there were no other factors (communication errors, non-adherence, financial restrictions) influencing his ability to receive medication. Antibiotic therapy should be reserved for patients with acute bacterial sinusitis as defined by a complete history and physical examination (AMA, 2008). A “wait and see” approach has been suggested in recent Canadian guidelines as a means of differentiating bacterial sinusitis from a viral respiratory tract infection (Desrosiers et al., 2011). Initiation of treatment should take place 7 to 10 days after persistent symptoms or when signs compatible with acute sinusitis occur (Desrosiers et al., 2011). Since H.K’s

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