
Sip Away Headaches

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A healthy diet that is filled with plenty of produce and whole grains as well as the right amounts of "good" fats and lean protein can help prevent and control chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes. From this article we learn that certain foods can have a better outcome in trying to help control common health problems.

Sip Away Headaches: Robin Foroutan, M.S., R.D.N., who is an integrative nutritionist in NYC as well as spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics stated that having a snack with a combination of carbs, protein, and healthy fat may also help deal with a headache because it prevents blood sugar dives which is what can ultimately trigger headaches. A good combination snack would be an apple with a handful of walnuts.

Calm Nausea With A Spice: Ginger has been a common spice that is said to be a potential remedy for nausea, especially for those who have experienced chemotherapy and pregnancy. Ginger is said to help move food out of the stomach quickly and by possibly turning off neurotransmitters such as serotonin that can contribute to nausea. William Chey, M.D., a gastroenterologist and professor of medicine and nutrition at the University of Michigan says that evidence does not support long-standing advice to eat only …show more content…

A study found that chicken soup that was made with sweet potatoes, turnips, and other healthy ingredients came out as a better end result in decreasing inflammation than plain chicken broth. soup is hydrating which also helps with your lymph system flush out the virus. Avoiding sugars is another key thing to avoid when you have a cold. Foroutan states "there's some research showing sugar weakens the activity of certain white blood cells. Plus you need a lot of nutrients to keep your body strong during a cold or flu, and sugary foods take the place of healthier

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