
Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Character Analysis

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ethic like Christianity, which views sin as an inevitable part of a man’s character. In fact, part of the lesson that Gawain must take away from his encounter is that he is an imperfect being, as prone to failure as anyone else.
But on the other hand, isn’t it a good thing to be able to recognize your mistakes? To acknowledge that you’re not perfect, that, in fact, you’re even sinful? In a Christian worldview, this kind of humility is definitely a good thing. That might be why the people in the story come to regard the green girdle as an honorable thing to wear.

Orient: A happy ending does not always mean that everything works out perfectly in the end. Authors can compose powerful happy endings through the moral development of a key character.
Thesis: In Marie Borroff’s translation of Sir Gawain and The Green Knight, a happy ending is achieved through the spiritual and moral reconciliation of Sir Gawain which humbles him and exposes his struggle to be the model of Christian knights. (chivalry and christianity, the ideal christian knight).
Topic: Prior to the tests and trials that Sir Gawain undergoes, he is prideful of his position as the most highly regarded knight of King Arthur’s court.
"the man to whom all excellence and valour belongs, / Whose refined manners are everywhere praised" (911-912).
Carries the five side pentagram shield
His five senses are very keen.
His five fingers are dexterous.
He devotes himself to the five wounds of

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