
Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

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Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is an epic poem written in the mid to late fourteenth century by an unknown author. Throughout the tale, Sir Gawain, a Knight at the Round Table in Camelot, is presented with many hardships, the first being a challenge on Christmas by a man in which, “Everything about him was an elegant green” (161). This “Green Knight” challenged someone in Camelot to accept his game which they will chop off his head with his axe and the Green Knight will do the same to the player a year and a day later. Sir Gawain stepped up to the challenge and took his kings place after King Arthur was the only one was willing to agree. On his quest to find the Green Knight, almost a year after he watched the green man pick his head up off the ground and ride off as if nothing ever happened, he found a castle and befriended the Lord and his wife. The Lord offered the whereabouts of the Green Knight, and in return, he asked Sir Gawain to play another game. Both the Lord and Sir Gawain must give each other everything they received throughout the day at the end of each night. The Lord gives Gawain all the animals he has hunted each day and Gawain gives the lord the kisses he gained throughout each day from the Lord’s wife. Before Gawain leaves to find the Green Knight, the Lord’s wife gave him a green silk belt to protect him from the Green Knight’s axe. Sir Gawain did not give the belt to the Lord at the end of the day. In the end, the Lord was the Green Knight and

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