
Sir Winston Churchill Essay

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Sir Winston Churchill

Introduction Few leaders stand out in the history of the twentieth century more than Sir Winston
Churchill. Remembered mainly as Great Britain's prime minister who led the first successful stand against Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany, he showed the world the importance of democracy and liberty by leading the battle against fascism and dictatorship. Churchill appeared headed for greatness even at his birth in 1874; his grandfather was the first Duke of Marlborough and his parents were Lord Randolph
Churchill and Jennie Jerome, the American daughter of the New York Times proprietor.
The first step towards being a great leader was not to rely on his family's achievements, but to forge his own path to …show more content…

Soon, he was assigned to social policies, where he earned his reputation as a social reformer, setting up unemployment pay, as well as a job placement service. Later, after a temporary resignation in 1916, he fought in the trenches in the World War. In modern history, few men of Churchill's importance have risked their lives on the battlefield. But his values were truly tested when
England stood actionless while Adolf Hitler slowly threatened the freedom of Europe.
Great Britain, worried about economic recovery from the depression, chose to appease
Hitler rather than arm the military in case of a German strike. Churchill, ever the opponent of tyranny, warned repeatedly of Hitler's rise in power. Germany finally fulfilled Churchill's prophecy by invading Poland on September 1, 1939. When Churchill replaced Neville Chamberlain as Prime Minister in 1940 he was immediately faced with two choices; continue the war, therefore pushing Britain further into debt, as well as inflicting thousands of English casualties, or attempt to negotiate with Hitler. Negotiation may have saved thousands of British soldiers, but millions would have paid the price in Hitler's pursuit of a "purified" Europe. Ultimately, Churchill not only backed the continued war effort, but through many rousing public addresses, gained needed support. Towards the end of his life Churchill once again

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