
Winston Churchill Essay

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Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill was a man full of principle, courage, and compassion.
Nevertheless, it was his excellent leadership skills, his instinct for making beneficial wartime decisions, and motivational speeches, which inevitably lead to the success of Great Britain in World War II. Britain and the world free of Hitler and the Nazis looked to Winston Churchill for leadership. Because of his soldier's training, his historical knowledge, and a statesman's beliefs that had filled his mind for a long time, he considered the burden of leadership to be very light. Many still regard him as the greatest British leader of the last century.

Winston Churchill had already demonstrated he had the aptitude for being a leader by …show more content…

Churchill openly opposed this agreement proclaiming, "That there has been a gross neglect and deficiency in [Britain's] defenses." But still no one listened to Winston Churchill. Finally the rejoicing of peace came quickly to a halt when Nazi troops invaded Prague, Poland in the spring of 1939. It was inescapable that Britain would pay its price for not listening to Churchill's warnings. Britain had wasted about five years of valuable time, which could have been used to strengthen Britain's Army and arm the Air Force. This price would ultimately be war. Germany invaded Poland on September 1st 1939, and after two days of bombing, Britain, on September 3rd 1939 gave Germany two hours to evacuate its troops from Poland. There was no response, and thus Britain was at war with Germany. As the people as well as the government began to realize the danger of this approaching war they also realized the importance of having a man like Winston Churchill in the cabinet. In the same month as war began, Churchill was once again appointed to the cabinet as First Lord of the Admiralty. Consequently, Churchill did not remain First Lord of the Admiralty for long. When Hitler invaded Britain's allies, Norway and Denmark, Prime Minister Chamberlain became defensive saying he could not "believe that there [was] anything different [he] could have done… [He]

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