Situational responsiveness has been satisfactory as Stephanie remains professional dealing with difficult callers, frequent changes in local and administrative policy, as well as accepting new assignments. She accepts both praise and constructive criticism well as is expected of a DSDS employee. Stephanie will notify supervision/management of issues that may come up on calls as appropriate. Stephanie is commended for being an independent worker who able to work through difficulties met on calls. As a team member Stephanie, provides feedback in meetings and continues to maintain a good working relationship with peers and management. She helps with Priority 1 participant calls during weather issues and provider closings all within timeframe,
On Tuesday July 7, 2015, at approximately 3:01 PM, Kiana Beekman, (MFCU Investigator) (Beekman) received a call on the state office telephone from HILL, Lucy (Service Facilitator of Lucy Hill Services (LHS). During the conversation, Beekman asked HILL to clarify her role and responsibilities as a service facilitator, in addition to the role and responsibilities of HARRIS, LaFrance as the Employer of Records (EOR) for Medicaid Recipient DANIEL, Rose and MCGHEE, Inocencia as DANIEL’s aide. She was also asked to provide any documentation of training on timesheet submission and approvals that she provided HARRIS and MCGHEE under the Department of Medicaid Services (DMAS) Consumer-Directed care aide program.
DMD Medical Supplies has positioned itself to capitalize on the future growth of the market by establishing a consistent relationship with both customers service and employee organization. As head office manager, it is my obligation to assure that all employees are able to work expeditiously at an advanced level. In the last three months, it has come to my knowledge that several employees have not maintained this standard. Furthermore because of this discretion, I have created the following proposal for employees Jack Synder and Ruth Disselkoen . The following g executives Frank Daley and Ralph Alane were assigned Jessica Hilo’s workload due to her medical absences. In order to maintain and orderly workload, I have assigned Jack Synder to
Session 1: During this face to face session on 8/8/16, MHS addressed the following ADLs: Medication Monitoring, Community Involvement, and Functional Skills. MHS asked the client if he had taken his medication today. The client reported that he did take his medication. The client mood was cheerful and inviting. The stated he is still looking forward to working when he can. The client stated he gets bored sometimes just sitting at home. The client requested to be accompanied to the library. MHS praised the client in making progress for independent living (20 mins). MHS accompanied the client to the library to view educational videos on how to display appropriate social skills in the workplace (25 mins). MHS suggested visiting the library gives
Health Care Integrator (HCI) met with Alana at her case address to assess and coordinates B2H services for her immediate needs. Alana has been diagnosis with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Currently, Alana receives Skill Building (SB) and Special Needs Community Advocacy (SNCAS). HCI inquired how is it going with assigned Waiver Service Provider (WSP), Jessica Reyes. HCI inquired about Alana’s current living situation. HCI inquired about how she is doing in school. HCI provided Alana’s with several pullups for her son. HCI inquired about how she is doing at work. HCI informed Alana to make a list of task she wants to accomplish for this week. HCI inquired if Alana had any issues that she wanted
Everyone in the office has known set guideline of what their daily tasks that they are to complete. I think this is attributed to such the calm mood in the office. There are times that things can get hectic and, usually during our morning meetings, but after that the mood dissolve and disappear. There is a front desk as you walk in the front door, since I have started at the agency there is no one there. For the most part there is no need for a receptionist. None of our clients physically come into our offices. We go to them, in the comfort of their home. This is because our clients are our clients because of terminal or chronically ill patients. We are there to provide a comfortable life. With there being so many workers in and out of the office, whoever is working from the office, becomes the receptionist. I’m defining the Receptionist role as answering the phone. Our phones ring constantly. When our patients have questions, are concerns, it is the quickest way to get a hold of us. While each of the workers who visit the patients has a cell the office is also another way of contacting us. It is fundamentally important that our patients and patient’s families can always get in contact with us. We as a company are literally a phone call away and when patients need us, we are there as soon as possible. Communication in the office is completed in several different ways. There are emails, face to face contact, and phone
She participates in the assistive technology presentations and advocates for participants to take advantage of this when they enter MFP. She has accepted several requests for presentation during 2016. Nan presented to management and the supervisors in Region 3 during a management team meeting. She is in the process of presenting to all of the Region 3 supervisory teams. She is capable of presenting about MFP and the other services that DSDS administers. She speaks about APS as well as HCBS. Nan is familiar and utilizes the MFP data base as well as all of the Web based programs that are used by HCS to track and complete assignments. Nan is independent and very capable in all of these
And finally, there is the issue of staff mismanagement. The supervisor, Keith Frazier, is only checking in with this department one to two times per week. Mr. Frazier is aware that Pat is making international phone calls. He is also aware that Pauline found a way for Pat to make these calls from the building’s elevator once he had the phone system modified to only allow internal calls. Mr. Frazier has also been fielding complaints from the accountants about not receiving their tax schedules in a timely fashion. However, he has failed to confront either of these issues. This lack of management can be attributed to the following:
This officer has maintained limited contact with Ms. Fee through telephone contacts and face to face contacts. Ms. Fee's communication with this officer has declined as she has missed several scheduled appointments and has not returned telephone calls. Ms. Fee has agreed to work with this officer to ensure that proper supervision is in place when Dee returns home. Ms. Fee has been encouraged to visit as she is able and using VIA 3 was discussed. A home visit is scheduled for October 7,
The interviewee was contacted by telephone and gave a detailed description of what her job as a nursing informatics specialist entail and what it took to make it happen. The interviewee’s job title is Clinical Systems Adoption Liaison. The interviewee has been in this current position since March 2014. After
Michael is a Case Manager within Spectrum Health hospitals and has been for four years. Michael is twenty-eight years old and enjoys doing his job although he has stated that it can be difficult at times. Michael stated that sometimes there is over time when other employees call in and case load can be heavy at times. Michael stated that every so often he has to wear a pager so employees within the hospital can get ahold of them when emergent issues arise. On call is every third weekend and
The major challenges that she expressed to me were understaffing and constant bickering between certain female co-workers. With regard to understaffing, corporate has not offered any viable solutions, due to non-peak times in the ER. This means at times it is either feast or famine. The staff knows this and tends to simply suck it up and pull together when it gets busy. When co-workers come to her with a complaint she takes time to discuss the matter in depth and non-judgmentally with the employee, surprisingly in most cases she stated that after the discussion it turned out that the problem originated with the one filing the complaint. She further works with the person on strategies to be a more effective interpersonal communicator and soon the problems lessen or resolve entirely.
The situational speculation of organization relies upon the characteristics of the various leveled followers and choosing the best possible expert direct. The theory has four standard specialist styles organizing, educating, entrusting, and supporting. The style associated changes in perspective of the task and practices of the lovers or delegates. "The situational specialist theory proposes the refinement between the successful and unsuccessful of the four organization styles is the respectability of the pioneer's lead to the particular condition in which it is used" (Waller, D, 1989) or the limit of the pioneer to change in light of the necessities of the lover or delegate. The situational theory evaluates the aficionados by ability, duty, and
The residential buildings contain common areas including kitchens, family rooms, and multiple bedrooms and bathrooms that the residents share. Employees, who are designated as Direct Services Personnel (DSP), are at each residence assisting the residents with their activities of daily living. The DSPs serve in three overlapping shifts, which results in between one and three DSPs being on duty depending on the time of day. According to our client’s employee training materials, the
We have learned to use our ability to communicate the information that would be useful with the situational awareness that we have been placed in due to the stress of our job. To help with our situational awareness we have to identify the three factors that could help in your perception of the environment that you have encountered.
1. Intrinsic: precision, lack of bias, trustworthiness, and reputation. 2. Accessibility: access, and safety. 3.