One assessment tool used with this patient was the Six-Minute Walk Test (6MWT). The 6MWT measures the maximum distance that a person can walk in 6 minutes and is used to evaluate endurance and exercise tolerance (Bohannon 2007). The test is easy to perform and especially useful to describe and monitor presentations which are characterized by diminished functional capacity, for example, Chronic Heart Failure (Du et al. 2009). The 6MWT was first applied to the patient on 27/09 (See Figure 1). The patient walked with his 4WW for 6 minutes and achieved a maximum distance of 342m with two seated rest breaks. This result is slightly below the average range suggested for the patient’s gender and age (See Figure 2). Research shows that the average
Heart Rate was taken before and after the walk. How long it took the patient to walk was also timed.
The energy system for muscle contraction during the first few seconds of exercise is the:
When thinking about the history of the world, one must always consider that merchants as well as trade have played an immerse role in shaping the world as it is today. They are responsible for many of the cross-cultural interactions that we have had in the past. Christianity and Islam, the two predominant religions of the world today, have both grown and spread through merchants and trade also. These two chief religions both have attitudes towards merchants and trade that have either developed or decreased overtime. According to these documents, from up to the year 1500, Christianity went from a negative view of merchants and trade to a positive view while Islam went from a positive view to a negative view, but both sides
Based on the latest medical report dated 07/05/16, the patient experiences difficulties with ambulating greater than 1-2 blocks, walking upstairs, cooking, getting dressed, and putting on shoes.
The Long Walk was the forced removal of the Navajo people, which began in January 1864 in the Arizona and New Mexico states. It was hardly recognized by Americans at the time because of the Civil War and the slavery issues that were so much more important in the North and South part of the country. The Long Walk is the Navajo Nation’s own “Trail of Tears”. More than 8,500 Navajo men, women, and children were forced to relocate to an internment camp in New Mexico called the Bosque Redondo Reservation. The Navajo and some Apache were gathered from Arizona and New Mexico and had to walk between 375-498 miles depending on which route they took (Remley, pg 230).
The tools used during the study included a pedometer that was attached to the patient 's gown. The pedometer stayed on from 11 pm to 6 pm on the first test day (pretest) to get a baseline of ambulation. The two subsequent days (posttest) the pedometer was on from 7 am to 11 pm. The patient was instructed not to remove the pedometer as the researcher would do
Walking for eight hours to get water that's not even clean isn't easy. “Nya” had to do walk everyday.“Nya’s” journey means both literally and symbolically and what she went through.
Clearly the peri-operative evaluation should include a careful history and physical examination, together with structured questions related to the planned procedure. Simple questions related to exercise tolerance (such as can you climb a flight of stairs without shortness of breath) will often yield as much useful information as complex tests of cardiorespiratory reserve. The clinical evaluation will be coupled with a number of blood and radiological tests to complete the clinical evaluation. There is considerable debate as to the value of many of the routine tests performed, and
At the beginning of 6th grade in cross country I was really slow like 9 or 10 minute miles one of the slowest on the team and every time I went to a meet I would finish around last or dead last but even then all my teammates and coaches would cheer me on at the end and from that I would kick it in at the end and I would wheeze and wheeze when I passed the finish line and even though I got last everybody still congratulated me and it made me feel good about what I did even if I did run a 16 minute mile and a half. The people that made me especially feel good was coach Renberg and Coach Stern They would be the most encouraging at the end of races they would cheer and yell “Come on Michael the finish is right around the corner” and “Go you got
Another very effective test used to monitor COPD is called the six minute walking test. The patient is required to walk on a flat surface at a pace which suits them for a period of six minutes. The patient is kept informed about the completion time remaining, but no encouragement is offered. The patient is permitted to stop and rest at any time during the study. The distance which the patient has travelled is measured and is a very accurate index of the state of health and effectiveness of therapy. (Kerr and Ballinger, 2010)
Cooper 12 minute run: Advantages: One advantage of the cooper 12 minute run is that it can be done in groups, this is a chance to also increase your social health as you can complete it with friends. Another advantage of the 12 minute cooper run is that it is cheap and very easy to set up and run. Disadvantages: The athlete will be required to pace themselves otherwise they could fatigue to soon leading to a below average score, this will take some practice.
Borg Scale for shortness of breath and fatigue related to six-minute walks and activities of daily living, and for exercise stress testing.
The results of this test show that it provides a valid test to estimate aerobic capacity and shows there is a small measurement of error. A polar heart rate monitor was used to measure the heart rate with a step of 30cm in height with a metronome with a beat at 15 steps, per minute and increased by 5 steps every minute for 5 stages or until 80% of the maximum estimated heart rate was reached. The results demonstrated that the Chester Step technique is a valid predictor of aerobic capacity in males and females from a wide range of ages and fitness levels.
important test of an individuals physical health since unhealthy levels can lead to heart attacks,
The ten commandments were a set by God, given to Moses to give to the Christian people. These commandments still play a part in a Christian's daily life as a guideline to follow. Commandments 1-3 are about loving you one God. These are still relevant to a Christian's life today through the loyalty and respect we have during prayer, mass and worship to one God. For example,I pray, with the utmost respect, to God as a connection between us, which relates to commandment 3, “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain” through the respectful manner you have during prayer and worship. Moreover, commandments 5-7 also play a part of a Christian's life as they are virtues for us to follow. We follow these commandments today by taking out