Skateboards are a great form of transportation for students who live near the campus and for students to travel in between classes. Skateboards are light objects to carry around, and it does not take a lot of space when placing it on the floor. Many students prefer to use skateboards over bicycles, because it is more convenient to ride and less expensive to replace. Skateboard does not have many mechanical issues unlike bicycles. However, some students do not understand the danger they can promote while riding the skateboards in campus without even knowing it. We need to implement an atmosphere where the skateboarders and students are both welcome and feel safe in the campus. One of the benefit of teaching students the following rules is that, …show more content…
Some skateboarders often completely ignore the signs and as a result they run into people. This can create a situation that is not safe for both pedestrians and the skateboard riders. Sings are there in order to prevent this kind of situations from happening. There are students who runs through these sings without looking out for possible danger. There should be some kind fine or warnings that can possibly result in academic holds. This way other students will learn and not repeat the mistakes of their peers. We are here to promote a safe and welcoming campus for …show more content…
The high hills often makes it harder for skateboarders to make it to the top. If they are unable to maintain sufficient amount of speed to make it to the top, they can fall of thier board and possibly get injured. If they feel that the mountains are too high up, they are responsible for getting of the board and walking up there. It is more important to maintain a safe speed when going down the mountains, because the speed will increase significantly, and makes it harder for skateboard to have control over their speed. When going down hill, make sure the speed is under control and no is going to hit you from the sides or
This situation is not only an inconvenience for our students; it also presents a safety hazard
“I come from a small town near Redding, so Sacramento is definitely a whole new environment for me. I just don’t feel as safe as I feel like I should be.” The third year, who insists on carrying a taser every day, also walks along the American River bike trail where a student was assaulted just two months ago. “Do you know how freaky it is knowing that girl could’ve been me? That attack happened in broad daylight.” Cowee, who has formed a self-defense group with her friends encourages more girls to be aware of their surroundings, “You have to realize that you’re on a big campus — so big that something terrible can happen in just the blink of an eye. You need to be careful.”
Conversations in the media and on college campuses regarding trigger warnings, safe spaces, and microaggressions have been impassioned, to say the least. Many have found such requests to be reasonable, because students, in essence, are seeking a respectful atmosphere in which vulnerabilities are respected and insults are not tolerated. Critics have argued that designating some spaces as “safe” implies that others are “unsafe,” and it follows, then, that these “unsafe” spaces should be made “safer.” To what end? Even those who express support wonder: where to draw the line? What topics warrant trigger warnings? Who decides what constitutes a microaggression? That certain subjects demand delicate treatment in the classroom is hardly
Being able to keep order in the classroom also provides a safe learning environment. This can be achieved by the Oaklands colleges own Disciplinary Policies and Sanctions.
Sports differ in many ways even the things that should be the same can be complete opposites. I have played football, basketball, soccer, track, and cross country and I never payed attention to running in any of those sports except for in track and cross country. I did not notice the amount of running I did in all those sport until I had to only focus on the running aspect. To this day I can say I have learned lessons in all of my sports, but running sports have taught me the most. Running is mandatory in so many sports, yet it has presented some of the largest obstacles for a me to overcome mentally.
They focus more about how safe people feel, while still making sure they are actually safe. To do so, they offer having security devices built within the structure of buildings. Having them with the walls makes it more discrete, so it will not affect the image of the building. They also mention having a balance between safety and an inspiring environment, which is one of the biggest challenges in modern day society. They also acknowledge the fact security measures taken will need to be consistently revised as technology keeps improving. This is useful to the essay because it discusses many of the issues possible solutions to security and can be applied to schools. It also widens the origins of research collected.
The purpose of my research is to explore and offer analysis of the controversy over the use of trigger warnings and safe spaces on college campuses, in order to understand when, where, and most importantly, regarding what subjects their use is appropriate.
There are people who seek destruction and to harm students as much as possible. Therefore, schools take these precautions to assure that students know what to do when in a time of crisis. Information like this should be much more easily accessible. Overall the SFASU campus safety policies and website are viable for the student on campus and off campus; however, it could be more publicized, that way all students know what to do and what not to do in the case of an emergency. Colleges and universities could easily do this by implementing mandatory safety and training courses to ensure the safety of their students while they are attending their school. This is extremely important so that way students feel safe and can casually recommend SFASU as a safe and educated school for to anyone who ask, showing that there is safety for all
The tips act as a policy that recognize ongoing suspicious occurrences and advises students to always stay vigilant of their surroundings. The policy designates duty for the student to report suspicious behaviour, such as unauthorized personnel in unauthorized areas and abandoned parcels in unusual locations. The University of Toronto campus is a high-traffic area and any provided information can be helpful is preventing danger. Thus, the designation for students to report suspicious behaviour is reasonable. The policy prompts the concern of unknown people and objects through its representation of danger. On the contrary, students do not know every individual on the campus and it is unjustified to have a policy implying that every unknown person can act suspiciously. The policy suggests students should stray from their daily routine when they feel as if they are in danger. Students are encouraged to travel in groups as being alone increases vulnerability. Through representation, the university does not protect a vulnerable student. The university merely provides policies and tips for the vulnerable student and the onus is on the student to be educated with those policies. The policies exist for the students to use techniques to protect themselves against harm. It is the knowledge, knowing what action to take, which is their best bet on
This may come off as shock. Skateboarding is illegal in certain states. There is nothing wrong with riding on a piece of wood with wheels. In the skateboarding community, most see it as an art, lifestyle, and a passion. But what about outside of the community. What do the people of this world normally think when they see a skateboarder? Most of the time people see it as destruction of property, punk kids, and dropouts, but have you ever seen it from a skateboarder's perspective, what is so wrong with this. How has this gotten to the point of being against the law in certain states in the U.S. Skateboarding has now been embedded as a sport and shouldn't be illegal.
Safety: Students know that they are physically safe and that they are not in danger in the classroom. Safety also includes students emotional and mental well-being, meaning that they will be free from emotional damage such as bulling or name-calling.
The school employs a number of sanctions to enforce school rules and to ensure a safe and positive learning environment. We employ each sanction appropriately to each individual situation.
Schools need to maintain a disciplined and safe learning environment. There are many disciplinary actions that are in use today and although some can disagree about the amount of discipline that is best for maturing children, it is reasonable to be in agreement that a positive learning environment begins with physical and emotional safety. School safety includes a broad range of matters, including, fighting, bullying, drugs, alcohol, weapons, and etc. Many schools use varying methods in an effort to maintain school safety. Some schools limit school access and require all visitors to sign in. Physical surveillance is another common method of addressing school safety issues along with use of staff and student identification. Among all these
The issue on the ordinance coming up about banning skateboarding in public parks has been a big issue, and it will be voted on soon. Some people are for the ban and some are against it. Both sides of the issue have valid points. Although I can see both sides of the argument I think the ban on skateboarding should be passed. I feel that the perks for banning skateboarding outweigh any of the negative outcomes that might come from the ban.
Safety is a tremendous issue on college campuses, and additional procedures need to be taken to prevent crimes from happening. When walking onto a college campus as a young adult, people get a rush of the unknown. The unknown could be going to college parties and late night study groups. College should be like any high school or elementary school and have better security measures to protect their students. The reasons we need these extra steps are to prevent violence, give students a sense of security, and monitor visitors on campus.