
Skill Acquisition Analysis

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Characteristics of the learner that influence the skill acquisition consist of five different aspects of the learner. Examples are, the Personality traits such as the willingness to learn and take on constructive criticism. The Hereditary factors, such as your height and different body types, the confidences levels, which can strongly affect the rate of how the learner develops a new skill. Prior experience, if the learner has prior experience with help with the development of the new skill, having positive experiences with learning new skills, and then using that positive experience to develop more skills similar really helps for the rate of the development of the skill to go faster, aswell as someone who has natural ability to have certain aspects of developing a new skill such as, good hand eye co-ordination. …show more content…

The balance or percentage of each different type of muscle fibre will suit different athletes and different sports. Athletes to have more of fast twitch fibres are more suited to fast and powerful sports such as 100m-sprint and rugby league. Athletes with high levels of slow twitch fibres are more suited to longer enduring sports such as marathon running, cross country skiing or long distance open water swimming. There are some sports like soccer that require both types of muscle fibres. Body type is a huge factor when it comes to the suitability of sports. Mesomorphs are often very muscular and have low body fat and are suited to sports such as bodybuilding and rowing. Endomorphs carry more weight and hold it lower, these people have more advantages in sports such as rugby union. Ectomorphs are skinny and are more suited to long distance running and high jump. The height differences of athletes can also affect what sport best suits and athlete. Tall athletes often suit sports such as netball, basketball or volleyball and short athletes are more suited to horse racing and

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