
SkillsUSA and High School

Decent Essays

For the majority of my life, I had never really known of the diverse lifestyles of others. I could only infer that every person I met was raised in a nurturing environment like mine. As I hit adolescence I began to see the surprisingly harsh as well as the fortunate realities that exist in lives of people just like me. I also became aware of the beliefs of others and I was willing to accept and be tolerable to individuals whose circumstances and beliefs differed from mine; however, my new-found perception would not be put to the test until I joined a Career and Technical Education organization called SkillsUSA. I joined SkillsUSA as a freshman in high school, merely because my audio/video production teacher asked me to. Shortly after joining the organization, I ran for district office and became SkillsUSA District 13 Chaplin; this entailed that I attend a summer leadership conference in central Texas. Upon receiving the SkillsUSA Texas Statesman Award at the SkillsUSA Texas Summer Leadership conference, many district officers, including myself, were eligible to attend a five-day national leadership conference in Washington, D.C. called the SkillsUSA Washington Leadership Training Institute (WLTI). At WLTI, students from all over the country go to a variety of leadership training sessions in preparation for their congressional visits at the U.S. House of Representatives taking place towards the end of the conference. Two students from a different school and I would visit with

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