
Skin Cancer Papers

Decent Essays

Skin cancer is our choice of cancer, and it is the most common type of cancer. Skin is the largest organ of the body and it has many functions, such as covering the internal organs and protecting them from injury, it also serves as a barrier to germs such as bacteria, it helps control body temperature and makes sure that the body does not lose too much of water and other fluids. Skin also protects the rest of the body from ultraviolet rays, and it also help the body make vitamin D. (American Cancer Society) Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers, and about 3.5 million cases of basal and squamous cell are diagnosed in this country each year. Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer and there are about 73,000 cases of skin cancer …show more content…

It only shows through 2010. (The Skinny on Skincare). Too much exposure to ultraviolet radiation, is one of the major risk factors for skin cancer. Some other risk factors include sunburned, exposed to a large amounts of coal tar, paraffin, arsenic compound, or certain types of oil (American Cancer Society). If any of your family members had skin cancers, it can increases your chance of getting it. Multiple or unusual moles, severe sunburns in the past or a weak immune system, can lead to skin cancer (American Cancer Society).
The signs and symptoms of skin cancer are, any changes in your skin, especially in the size and in the color of a mole, scaliness, roughness, oozing, or bleeding, if there is a sore that doesn’t heal, or the spread of pigmentation that spreads beyond its border. And if you have a change in sensation, such as itchiness, tenderness, or pain. (American Cancer Society)
Skin cancer can be prevented if you make sure of this few things, stay in the shades in between 10am to 4pm, this is when the sun rays are the strongest (Natural Skin Cancer Treatment Overview). Sunscreens don't protect your skin from all UV rays, so don’t use it as a way to stay out in the sun longer. You should also use sunglasses with 100% UVA and UVB absorption to protect you eyes (American Cancer

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