
Skinner Punishment

Decent Essays

Ishaan is a student who frequently scolded by his teachers who taught him. During art class, Ishaan did not pay attention of what his teacher told in front of the class, however he was unconsciously focused on a bird feeding it’s children outside the window. Then, when the teacher noticed him, the teacher threw chalk towards Ishaan. After that, he ask Ishaan to find the point he made at the blackboard. Unfortunately, Ishaan did not noticed the point and the teacher call one of Ishaan’s classmate to show him where was the point drawn. Ishaan was asked by the teacher to go in front of class and get the punishment as a reminder for him for not repeat the same mistake again.
At the end of the art class, Ishaan and his classmates went to school field for marching training. During the training, Ishaan could not follow the marching steps and he was also confused which one is the left and right. Thus, his sports’ teacher said to Ishaan that he was ruining the marching and dropped him out from the team.
“A noun is naming word, a pronoun is used instead of a noun, adjective describe a noun, a verb describe the action of …show more content…

Positive punishment is involves presenting an aversive stimulus after a behavior as occured. Where aversive is causing avoidance of a thing, situation, or behavior by using an unpleasant or punishing stimulus, as in techniques of behavior modification. For example, during learning process in the class, Ishaan did not pay attention of what his teacher told in front of the class. Besides, he was unconsciously focused on a bird feeding it’s children outside the window. Then, Ishaan was asked by the teacher to go in front of class and get the punishment as a reminder for him for not repeat the same mistake again. This situation show that when response leads to the arrival of something aversive, and this response tends to be

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