
Skittles Vs M & M's

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Skittles and M&M’s have been an all time favorite for many years.. But if you could only have one or the other which would you choose? If you have ever tasted M&M’s and or Skittles you know they have completely opposite flavors. Skittles have a fruity flavor and M&M’s have a chocolate flavor. Some prefer Skittles and some prefer M&M’s. It all depends on your own preference.Skittles and M&M’s are both popular candies that share around the same colour and size but definitely do not share the same flavor. Although Skittles and M&M’s share a similar appearance they do not share the same flavor. When the M&M candy was invented in the 1930s the only flavor available was plain chocolate. Now the M&M candy offers flavors like Peanut,Pretzel, Peanut …show more content…

Sr., son of the founder of the Mars Company Frank C. Mars, invented the idea for the candy in the 1930s during the Spanish Civil War when he saw soldiers eating chocolate pellets with a hard shell of tempered chocolate surround the inside, preventing the candies from melting.” “Production began in 1941 in a factory located in Newark, Nj where M&M’s chocolate were sold to the public packaged in cardboard tubes” (Bellis). On the other hand, Skittles started off from a family who experimented in making candy.”Frank C Mars and his wife Ethel started the Mars Company back in 1911. Well, before this time, Frank was making candy with his mom as a young boy. Later, he and his wife Ethel began producing candy in their own kitchen.” “Skittles were first sold in Europe starting around 1874. In 1979, Skittles first started to be imported for sale in the United States” (Milton). Already differing in location, M&M’s originated in the United States and Skittles originated in Europe. When M&M’s were first made from an idea that the soldiers to use to have chocolate without being melted. Shortly after M&M’s were invented they became a hit and appealed to an extensive amount of people. When Skittles were first invented it was somewhat passed through Frank’s family since he had been making the candy with his mother since he was a boy and carried it on to he and his wife. The candy then grew popular and …show more content…

The appearance of each candy is the biggest comparison the two candies share. When holding a Skittle in one hand and a M&M in the other you can easily tell the difference by seeing the white printed ‘S” and “M” on each of the candies. When holding the candy the M&M has a harder outside shell that makes it hard to crush with your fingers. Skittles on the other hand can be easily smashed down to a smaller size just by using two fingers. When eating Skittles and comparing to an M&M you will notice that the Skittle is much more chewier when consuming. When eating an M&M they take less time to chew and aren’t a chewy/gummy substance like the Skittle. Each candy has the same rounded shape with the hard shell. But what sets them apart is their flavor. “ An interesting bit of Skittles candy trivia is the fact that it takes around eight hours to put the candy coating on the outside of the fruit center” (Milton). Which sure is a lot of time to coat a single Skittle. When holding the Skittle and M&M you will notice they have about the same texture. Since each candy is finished with a hard coated shell it leaves it with a smooth casing that holds the goodness

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